Confusing Parent

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You tell me one thing

To leave the house

But when I try

You start to yell and scream

You get angrier each time

And I grow more scared

What are you afraid of

I wont get hurt

But you seem to only get angry

Whenever I even ask

Do you hate me

Do you wish I were someone else

Why do you yell

When I ask something simple

Next time I'll stay quiet

And stay locked in my tower

So you can control me

And live your life through me

I'll never understand you

You always get angry with me

So now I'll stay quiet

And be your little puppet, mother

***I wrote this poem because of my mother. She yelled at me and I just don't understand. I only wanted to go find my classes at school so I wouldn't get lost. But she yells and say that I can find it all when school starts. Just upset and confused***

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