Chapter 1

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I sat on the bench just outside of the contest call in the hot summer weather. I'd lost yet another contest, and it was getting on my nerves.

Since Ash and Brock left for Sinnoh, i'd been left alone for my contests. Which isn't so bad I guess...

Thing is, I missed my friends and felt very lonely. And it's been causing me to keep losing.

And Harley's using that for fuel.

Speaking of the devil..

"Heeeey May! Seems you lost another contest! Oh well! You snooze you lose! And in your case.. You snooze a lot!" He laughed as I lowered my head. Sadly, he was right.

"Ya'know, pickin' on ladies won't win ya' any.." A familiar voice chimed. We turned to see none other than Drew, leaning against a tree. We walked over and flicked his hair from his emerald eyes. "And it sure isn't nice." He glared at Harley.

"Picking on? I'm simply trying to inspire and build up her courage! As if you would know anything about THAT." Harley shot back with a smirk. Drew's face turned a bit red from anger. "Watch yourself, Harles." He wanted. Harley smirked. "Whaaaat? Can't handle a joke?" He laughed again.

"Leave him alone, Harley!" I stood up and held my arm in front of Drew, glaring at Harley. "You've made your point, now get going." I said sternly. Harley took a step back. "You little [female dog]! You can't tell me what to do! And nobody asked for you to stop this, so back off, You insult of a coordinator!" Harley barked. My heart shattered. Nobody had ever called me off like that while Ash and Brock were around. They'd be there to comfort me.. But now...

I felt the tears drizzle down my cheeks, my shoulders slumped too. "Aw.. Made the poor, pathetic Coordinator cry! Wah Wah." Harley mocked. I didn't dare look up at him... Until I heard..

"That's ENOUGH!" Drew shouted, and knocked Harley down with a single blow. I gasped loudly as Harley collapsed to the ground. "Look out May.." Drew warned, ducking me behind the bench. Harley arose and cracked his knuckle. "You wanna go do you?" He laughed and pinned Drew down, punching him in the jaw. HARD.

"Drew!" I cried out in fear. Drew heard me and grabbed Harley's fists, and twisted him off and onto the ground, beating Harley up now. I watched in horror as the boys fought. I finally saw Nurse Joy run over with Espeon, who separated the two boys instantly. "You two! With me, now!" Joy yelled sternly at them. Harley and Drew looked terrified of Nurse Joy, not moving a muscle.

Nurse joy took the two into a large room, where they would 'work it out'. I sat outside of the room, nervously waiting.

After 4 hours, Drew came out, he had bandaid patches on his face and a couple bruises, and his hair was ruffled in a cute, messy way. "Drew? Are you off the hook? Are you alright? What about Harley? Did you get punished? Why did--"

"SHUT IT, MAY!" Drew yelled. I took a step backwards, a small gulp escaping my throat. "If you MUST know.. I'm suspended from any contests.3, actually." He scowled and stormed out. I chased after him from a distance. "Drew, wait!"

Drew heard and ran deep into the forest, and I noticed it was the most dangerous part of the forest...

"Drew doesn't stand a chance in there..!" I gasped.

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