Chapter 3

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I ran. As fast as my legs would take me. I eventually ran so fast that I couldn't see where I was going, and tripped over a large root of a tree, skidding my knee and getting a large gash on my right cheek. It stung.. BADLY.

I finally let the tears flow. I'd tried to stay tough.. But that stuff Drew said was too much.. It hurt so much, it might just be true. They say the truth hurts... Perhaps he was right. I'm pathetic... And here I thought I could be friends with him.

I hugged my knees, in the middle of a dark forest, crying my eyes out from physical and emotional pain. "I wanna go home!" I cried, as I noticed pokemon peeking out from their homes to see me.

"Great.. Now pokemon are judging me..." I muttered.

But then, a Furret scurried up to me and gave me a berry. I wiped my tears with my sleeve and forced a smile. "Th-Thank you.." I took a bite and swallowed. If was pretty good.. Oran berry. Yum!

Soon, all the pokemon sat around me, trying to cheer me up, doing cute dances.. It was encouraging. But I still felt down... I sighed softly.



"...-ere are you?"

That can't be...


No... Drew!

Drew burst through the bushes and gasped for air. "God, why do girls run so fast?!" He took a deep breath and looked at me. "May, look. I said a lot of things back there I shouldn't have said. Things that aren't true. It was my own fault for getting into the fight. I'm so Sorry." He bowed his head quickly. "You.. Think I'll forgive you so easily.." I stepped back.

"It's been 3 years, Drew. And I have always given you all that time to apologize for the things you said to me. And after all this time, you want to apologize. I'm not going to forgive you!" I snapped, slowly walking backwards. "You don't.. You don't deserve my forgiveness!" I felt the ground under me turn from grassy to dusty. A cliff?

"May-- I was a big buffoon and I didn't think you took my insults literally! You have to believe me!" Drew ran after me. "No! Just leave me alo-"

As I took a final step back, the ground gave in and I started to fall. Fast. "May!" Drew yelped as he looked down. I was holding onto a branch for dear life. Below me was a long drop.. To nothingness. "Waaah! Help me!" I cried as I held tighter. "Hold on, may!" Drew yelled as he scaled the cliff by its platforms.

He leapt lower and closer to me. He reached out his hand to me. "May! Grab my hand!" I shook my head. "N-no..!" I felt my grip start to loosen on the branch. "Please, if you don't.. You'll go splat!" His voice was full of concern... I didn't want to but..

I hesitantly reached out my hand to try and grab his. "Just a little farther, Drew!" I yelled, as he tried to reach farther. "I almost got you!" I felt my eyes tear up. "I can't hold on.. Much longer.." I used all my strength..



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