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It's football season, meaning the team's practicing harder than ever. This means that Taehyung is always going to be on the field, hopefully away from Baekhyun.

He looks so good in his football uniform, his figure showing magnificently. He looks happier today, better than yesterday.

The whistle rings, signalling the end of practice. He's moving towards the bleachers, towards me.

My heart starts pumping. Will he remember me? Does he remember me?

I want to run up to him and give him a hug, a sudden course of confidence rushing through me. I stand up, ready to do it but stop still.

He's there, hugging someone else thats not me. Byun Baekhyun holds him tightly, laughing happily.

I sit back down, confidence all gone. So is my hope of Taehyung noticing me.

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