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I sigh, standing on the edge of the school rooftop, inches away from toppling 10 meters to the ground.

No one will notice if you jump. No one cares about you anyways.

I edge closer to the rim of the roof, half my foot hanging out in the air. I look out at the view, breathing in the windy air.

I hear laughter behind me, all too familiar.

They're laughing because you're about to die. Make them happy and just jump already.

I hear the roof door open and gasps, they see me standing so close to the edge.


My body's frozen. I want to jump, but I cant.


My breathing quickens, feeling lightheaded.


I stumble forward a little, hearing another gasp behind me.

"Hey, you don't have to do this.."

But I do, I think, It's the only way that'll make you happy.

"Turn around, look at us, please. Think this over.."

Lies, all lies. Just jump already.

I take a deep breath, feeling thw wind gain power. I'm too weak now. Any stronger and the wind will blow me away.

"Jungkook, please, don't do this."

I freeze, eyes widening.

He remembers me?

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