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  I knew I would regret staying up so late.  Fact is I only got 11 minutes 56 seconds of sleep before Steve Perry's voice came belting in through my radio.  I slowly rolled over in the bed a few times before finally making up my mind and sitting up, my head was spinning, and my heart pounding.  Slowly, I got out of my small twin bed and pulled on a pair of ragged jeans and an old t-shirt.  I tiredly grabbed the pink half drunken mug of coffee on my desk that had been sitting there since who knows when and gulped it down, the cool, bitter liquid rushing down my throat.  I stumbled over to my lamp, and flicking it on.   The light almost seemed to blind me.  I started to sing along with Journey, my voice off key and drained of life.

"...Everybody wants a thrill, paying anything to roll the dice, just one more time..." I began to stumble once again over to the door, gripping the silvery knob tightly and flinging the white door open.  Believe me; I don't actually habitually listen to 80's rock.  My radio only has 2 stations Country and 80's music... You can guess what I choose to wake up to.  My mom already forced me to listen to crappy country every day in the car.  And I had to admit, Journey was an OK band to sing along with.  I stumbled my way to the small up stairs bathroom, splashing water on my face, brushing my teeth, and finally re-arranging my hair to its usual spot.   I fished my wallet and phone from their secret spot in the vents, shoving them both in my pockets before I pulled some shoes and socks on.  I hated wearing shoes; if it was my choice I would go ahead and live in a van with no shoes like a hippie.  You'll be moving out in a few months, you won’t have to deal with any one for long.  I shook my head at the thought.  I'd been planning to move in with my big brother Gabe in a few months but my mom was so damn controlling. 

        I quickly ran down the stairs, the rubber soles of my black sneakers gripping to the hard wood a bit too much.  I tripped a bit before regaining balance and rushing to the kitchen.  It took me a good 5 minutes to decide what to eat before I realized the time. "6:50 shit" I whispered, grabbing a Pepsi from the fridge. "MOM COMMON I'M GONNA BE LATE TO SCHOOL” My mother took her time, taking an extra 7 minutes to do what ever the hell she was doing before walking down stairs.  I listened to her lecture me for the entire car ride about how I was the reason her life was shit until she pulled up to the school.  I whipped open my door, ignoring my Mom's good byes, and speed walked up to the front of the school. I checked my watch again, releasing a sigh of relief; I had 5 minutes till the first bell rang.

        The first 2 periods passed quickly, (they were my favorite: Math and health because they were the easiest) then I had lunch.  Thursdays were my favorite because I had first lunch on Thursdays.  I tugged at the ends of the sleeves on my tan coat, walking strait to my table not bothering with school food.  The stuff shouldn’t even be legal. It was just high calorie animal feed, mashed into the form of plastic square pizza and bread sticks.  Sam sat there waiting patiently for me.  I was his only friend and he was mine.   He sat there staring blankly at me from across the grey circle table.  His light brown hair was slightly flipped over his puppy brown eyes.  He was scrawny for 15, but I had this feeling looking at him that he was going to be one of those kids that hits a huge ass growth spurt right before college.   

"Common Sam! Give me a smile!"  I said pulling out my camera, taking a few snap shots of his face. 

"Stoop!" He laughed out as I snapped a few more. 

"So Vogue." I stated in a British accent. I lowered my camera, the sound of laughter coming from behind me (we were at the front of the lunch room so I basically saw and heard everything) I turned around, snapping a few photos of the people laughing.  They didn't see me do this but it didn't matter.  I wanted to capture their happiness.  I wanted to capture them laughing.  It made me happy when other people were happy.  I turned back to Sam, he was still smiling.  He thought it was weird that I did this and I guess that made him laugh. 

"You take any pictures at the park last night?" He asked gulping down his protein shake. Gross. For some reason he thought my pictures at the park were "cool". I didn't get it, it’s not like I'm that great of a photographer.  Plus they were just of streetlights and trees and shadows and things that people found creepy at night.

"Actually... I didn't go to the park last night.

"Did your mom catch you?" He asked, leaning over the table with a worried look on his face. Sam had been my best friend this past year.  Weird thing is he knew everything about me, even about my crazy mother, but I knew nothing about him.  We were so close, yet we were kinda strangers in a way. He mostly kept to him self. I stole an apple slice off of his tray chewing on it slowly.  Apple's were my safe food.  They made me feel happy and warm and reminded me of my child hood.  Even though, I used to be allergic to them.  My doctor said sometimes kids grow out of their food allergies.

"No.  I decided not to go to the park; I went to that little diner near my house." I clicked the lens cap back onto my camera as I spoke looking up for a second.  He had stop chewing, giving me this look that I could have sworn I'd seen some where before. 

"...And..?" He looked at me lightly tapping his fingers on the table.

"I met a really nice guy, he works there... Can I tell you something?" I asked. He gulped and stopped tapping his fingers. He looked like he wanted to tell me some thing but he also wanted more info.  I continued on any ways, I was really excited to brag that I kissed an older guy. "He's 19... And we made out" I whispered the last part; he pushed him self back a little.  Sam knew that I liked guys too, so I didn't think he'd care or react this way.  Maybe I was wrong.  Maybe he was just like my mom.

"What was his name?" He asked, as if he already knew. 

"Dean? Why?" I replied. As I spoke the word "Why" he stood up and gave me a simple "I've got to go...” and he ran off.

"Did I say something wrong?" I whispered under my breath.  I grabbed the tray that Sam had left behind and threw it in the trash.  I didn't bother to run after him, if Sam doesn’t want to be found, he won’t be.  I walked to third period, trying to forget whatever just happened. 


        When the bell finally rang to let us out of school it had seemed like an eternity.  I usually rode the bus home but today was Thursday, which meant art club.  So I had a ride lined up to pick me up from school at 3:00.  That's when I remembered Sam gets picked up every day.  He never said by who, but I always assumed it was one of his parents. I got the urge to follow him. He never told me about his life, and I was curious. He didn't get picked up in front of the school he got picked up around the corner.  I guess the person liked privacy, or maybe Sam was embarrassed.  Who knows?  I followed him running behind bushes and trees, going unseen.  I was always good at that.  Being invisible.  That's when every thing clicked.  I saw Dean leaning on his beautiful classic car, the sun hitting his god-like face perfectly.  He looked up and smiled and waved. 

"Hey, Sammy!" He smiled.  Sam just angrily ignored him, and got into the car, slamming the door.  Dean did this little head shaky thing and climbed into the driver’s seat.


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