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          Of course I forgot Fridays were a thing, and that on these so called Fridays it was a legal requirement of me, a minor, in the state of Washington to attend the smelly, boring, pit of hell, called school.   Once again Steve Perry's voice came yelling through the radio.  Dean bolted strait up in bed.  While I just kind of curled up more, trying to ignore the loud musical tones of Journey.  

"Since you're up can you turn that off?  It's on the window."  I tiredly murmured.  I turned over curling against his warm body.  It smelt like boy cologne.   He groaned slightly and slapped the radio until it turned off.  Then situated himself back onto the bed, pulling one of his arms over my back, and pulling me close to him.

"Sure thing Mr. Comatose."  He sighed into my dark tuft of hair.  My body went slightly limp and I went back to sleep almost instantaneously.   I'd never been a morning person and I had no plans of ever starting.

        I probably had made a mistake by telling Dean to turn off the alarm because I woke up at 10 angry and confused.  I’d had a habit of sleeping in later than wanted, and should have known better.  Once I realized that I was late for school it didn't get better.  I flung my self out of bed, falling to the floor, then scrambling to get up.  I looked like Bambi in the scene where he was on the frozen pond.  Dean sat up chuckling under his breath and mumbling about how much of a dork I was.  I pulled an old sweatshirt on over my dirty shirt, and then started to run out of my room, but before I could reach the door he’d gotten out of bed and managed to grab my arm.

"What are you doing?"  He asked raising an eye brow.  I paused turning around to face him.  I’d hoped my mourning breath wasn't to bad, but considering the fact that I was several hours late to school I didn't have time to brush my teeth.

"Uhhh?  Going to school?  I'm late."  I stated dumbfounded at why he was asking this.  It was Friday, people go to school and work and things on Friday.   Even though in my personal opinion Fridays should be a third day off.  Weekends are too short.

"Skip today?"   He stated it more than questioned it so I quickly slid my pack off and onto the ground; not wanting to disappoint the puppy eyed boy in front of me.  

"Fine.  But just today."  I licked my lips.   I pulled my dirty clothes off and put some fresh ones on (and also brushed my teeth, thank god) then asked Dean what he wanted to do.  He shrugged a bit and sat down on the bed.  I suggested a walk and he smiled and said sure.  I really enjoyed morning walks and I wanted to share the thrilling experience of it with him.  The way the crunchy leaves looked just before the sun completely rose, the way the air still smelt crisp, before humans could destroy it.  My utopia wasn’t a certain place, it was a certain time.  A certain action of becoming one with the earth and walking at fresh dawn and hearing the birds make their first calls.   Sure it wasn’t the perfect time seeing as I usually go around 4 in the morning, but this was OK too. 

        We went downstairs and I picked up a Pepsi and guzzled it.  Pepsi had become my go to breakfast, and basically the corner stone of my ill planned diet.  It was the worlds 8th wonder that I didn't get sick from what I ate.  "Want one?"  I asked, motioning to the cooler by the door.  He declined the offer.  Wow he was quiet today; maybe he was just like that in the mornings.  Gabe was like that.  His voice was scratchy and soft until he got coffee, and he would walk around the house quietly thinking for hours in the morning.  Which was always just a little strange to me, Gabe wasn’t quiet.  Gabe partied and played tricks on people and acted crazy, but he was some how able to be mellow and down to earth at the same time.  He was able to enjoy the little things.  A gift not many people had.  He was able to party one night and lay under the stars silently thinking for hours the next.  He was the person who helped me discover my morning walks.  Gabe was everything I strived to be and then some.   I grabbed my house key and went out the door.  

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