Igniting the plan

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"So... If Song and I were to go to the Autobots... Would... You maybe consider coming with us?" GoldSet looked to DreadWing nervously, the large seeker pausing from taking a sip of a cube of energon to look to the grounder. Ruby optics confused.

"Why do you ask?" DreadWing questioned while GoldSet grinned lightly at him.

"I asked the question first DreadWing. You answer mine I'll answer yours." Blue green optics sparkled happily when the seeker chuckled and leaned back lightly before nodding.

"Very well. I swore my complete and total allegiance to Megatron, GoldSet. Defecting is not an option for me." DreadWing explained, GoldSet wilted sadly and nodded soft in understanding before taking a large mouthful of the blue liquid.

"Er... Well... Song... And I are thinking of going to the Autobots, and... Might be going to attempt to break the bots in the brig out too." He offered meekly, waiting for the explosion from the honorable warrior beside him.

"... Good." Blinking repeatedly GoldSet looked to DreadWing shocked. Staring at the con as he sipped his energon cube.

"... 'Good'?" He echoed now confused.

"Neither you nor your sister are Decepticon material. Both of you would much better benefit from the Autobot's then you would the Decepticons." Ruby optics dimmed softly as he stared out at the clouds before them. The younger mech gaping at him surprised.

"When are you igniting this plan of yours?" The seekers calm facade still shocked the grounder until his face turned grim. Shifting to look back out at the sky before them he took his time answering.

"A while ago. It started when I went to find you." GoldSet said shutting his optics gently.

"Song's at the brig, getting the twins the all access key frenzy and rumble helped her make.... Please don't get them in trouble, they didn't know." GoldSet sighed, opening his optics to look into his lap. A servo on his helm had him blinking then purring when it rubbed.

Something not many knew about the blue seeker, he gave really nice helm pets.

"I shall try and give you a clear route to a groundbridge. But after that you are on your own. Comm me when you are ready, GoldSet." The grounder leaned into the pets with a soft mewl and looked to the blue seeker, watching him stand and leave.

~Sis, tell me you had better luck then I did...~


"Dumbass drones." SilverSong strode over the downed drones and into the brig, the all access info chip in her servo as she stepped towards the twins cell.

"Sideswipe, Sunstreaker. Which of you is up?" She asked trying to peer into the darkness of the cell. The scraping of peds then foot steps signaled at least one of them was up. The familiar red chassis suddenly stepping into light had her grinning and looking up to tired but happy blue optics.

"To what do we owe a visit from a pretty femme?" The strange thing about the twins, Sunstreaker was more the one to flirt. Sideswipe, while he did flirt was more reserved on it.

"A visit." She hummed stepping up to the bars to the point of touching them. He grinned lightly, looking down at her with now eager optics. Her servo slipped through the bars, grabbing at the red mech's servo and yanking him down to her height. Her lips pressed to the only part of him that she could reach of the awkward angel, which happened to be the horn adorning his helm. The chip was slipped into his servo while this happened, the red mech giving an eager purr in return to both.

"Mmm a good visit. I'll have to repay you for it later." He purred, shuddering when she gave a low amused hum against the horn and released him.

"I don't doubt that." She hummed grinning widely at him before skipping down the hall.

"See ya sides~" Turning the corner SilverSong approached one of the other cells and activated her head lights. Shining the light onto the two other bots in the cell. One was a taller, gruff red mech. Who winced and growled lightly at her. The second was a younger mech. He would have seemed younger then Song herself, considering the mechling was only in his second frame. The youngling was yellow and orange. Flashy, a smart mouth and one for pranks.

"Song turn out the damned light!" The gruff voice made her laugh and shut off her head lights.

"Mister grump. What's the matter got so used to the dark you've forgotten what the light was like?" She questioned while he snarled before smirking at her.

"Ya wish." He shot back while she grinned largely at him.

"Oh good," on cue all the lights went out, and the bars flickered to non existing. "I was hoping you'd say that."

~Here little brother, all good to go on my end. What happened with DreadWing?~ SilverSong blocked out the outside conversation, getting enough to know that she'd be carrying HotRod on her back, and carrying Balster. And mecha that turned into a tape player and had been trapped in the form since they had been captured.

~ he's...~ a large wave of spark broken longing and despair sudden hit the femme, pulling a sharp gasp as she stumbled and clung to the wall. Her knee joints went out, the weight of that feeling dragging her towards the ground even while she clawed to stay up with the wall.

~I... Oh my god Kyle.~ a nudge from her brother had her coming back from the bond, now all but clinging to the golden and red chassis' before her as she vented shakily.

"-ong! Slaggit she's not moving someone needs to carry her."

"Dun look at meh! Yur the ones who wooed 'er!"

"I'm fine." She gritted, trying to push herself up by the two shoulder plates.

"Like slag you are," She gave a yelp when Sideswipe scooped her up and expertly swung her onto his back.

"You just collapsed for no reason you are not 'fine'." He snapped, bouncing her up when she went to get down. She growled and pushed herself over his helm, landed in a crouch before them. Standing she turned and glared at the blinking red gladiator as well as the other 'seasoned' Autobot's.

"I just got a taste of something that happened to my brother, it was a new feeling so I reacted badly. Now get you asses in gear, give me Blaster and HotRod and let's get the slag out of here already."

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