Begin Again.

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Waving to arcee Silversong sighed heavily. Leaning against the door to the room she would be sharing with her brother and sighing heavily. Tapping into a personal radio station Song smiled softly at the music pouring though into her mind.

Take a deep breath in the mirror, he didn't like it when I wore high heels but I do.

Song pushed off the door and danced gently in the room, pausing to look at the full length mirror in it before smiling weakly and fussing softly with her armour.

Turn the lock and put the headphones on he always said he didn't get this son but I do... I do.

She sung along on her in her head while she danced around the room. Pretending to have a partner in the mean time as well. There was a weight slowly lifting off her shoulders, the music was her stress reliever.

I walked in expecting you be late but you got here early and you stand and wave i walk you.

She spun then stopped, tilting her head to the left while shutting her optics and envisioning the scene. Sunstreaker and sideswipe were there. Waving her over to the chair while the the latter grinned largely.

Pull my chair out and help me in, and you don't know how nice that is but I do. I do

She danced, envisioning Sunstreaker helping her into the booth at their table before sitting beside his brother, the faintest traces of a smile in place.

And you throw your head back laughing like a, little kid. I think it's strange how you think I'm funny cause he never did! And Ive been spending the last eight months thinking all love ever does is break, and burn, and end. But on a Wednesday in a café. I watched it begin again.

She danced, smiling sadly at the image of Sideswipe throwing his head back cackling, his brother chuckling beside him while she blushed and smiled nervously. Basically watching herself start to love the two mecha when her spark had been broken once before.

You said you never met on girl who had as many James Taylor records as you but I do.

She could see herself showing the two her apartment, introducing her brother then showing off her room/art gallery/study. Watching the both of them comment and sunstreaker critique her art and a page or two of her story.

We tell stories and you don't know why, I'm coming off a little shy but I do.

She could see the three of them lounging in the homey living room, swapping stories until sunstreaker being as blunt as always asks why she's being hesitant and shy. The sideswipe reprimanding his brother for asking such a 'rude' question.

And you throw your head back laughing like a, little kid. I think it's strange how you think I'm funny cause he never did! And I've been spending' the last eight months thinking all love ever does is break, and burn, and end. But on a Wednesday in a café. I watched it begin again.

The scene of sideswipe laughing replays, only sunstreaker is the one laughing now. Sideswipe wearing this stunned but utterly amused face.

"And We walk down the block, to my car and I almost brought him up but you stopped to talk, about the movies that your family watches. Every single Christmas I would, talk about that and for the first time, what's past is, past."

She had shifted to singing aloud now, twirling and dancing around her room contently even when the door hissed open softly. She could see the twins standing with her at some sort of bus stop, sideswipe talking and chatting happily while sunstreaker stood and listened with song.

"And you throw your head back laughing like a, little kid. I think it's strange how you think I'm funny cause he never did! And I've been spendin' the last eight months thinking all love ever does is break, and burn, and end. But on a Wednesday in a café. I watched it begin again."

They were talking again, back at her apartment while this time the three of them howled with laughter, sideswipe was rolling on the floor and clutching at his tanks while song was burying her faceplates into a soft pillow. He sputtered and spoke to SilverSong, who laughed and countered him which sent both of them howling with laughter all over again.

"And on a Wednesday in a café..."

The three were back in the café again, song was in front of the twins smiling and the twins were grinning/ faint smiling at her from across the way. She was coming back from the scene slowly, vaguely aware of someone being her dance partner and dancing with her around the room.

I watched it begin again.

An image of herself, the brightest, most glowing smile across her face this time and her optics shown in a happiness she had never seen before. It was spark warming.

She came to a stop with her partner, feeling her back and door wings press against the warm, gently vibrating chassis as she shut her music off and turned up her audios again. She froze at the sound of Sunstreaker gently chuckling behind her and opened her optics. Keeping them down and waiting for him to say something or move her. Last they had spoken, sunstreaker and the others had just found out that SilverSong and her brother had been humans once. Her brother had had an easier time talking to the two brothers then she had.

"You were projecting, faith." She shuddered softly at the velvet purr behind her and glanced to her left, seeing the projector flicker the image of her smiling before shutting off. She had forgotten about the damn thing, and that she had agreed to let Raf hook it into her mind set.

"S... Sorry." She murmured, moving to get herself free and over to the projector when one of the gladiators arms wound around her waist and kept her pinned there.

"No need... I was... Wrong to act so coldly towards you, and for that I apologize." He murmured, she could feel his frame bend down and his lips kiss at her neck.

"Forgive and forget?" She shuddered, and shifted to look up at him, allowing herself to get lost in his optics before she nodded, trying to ignore the sudden image flashing on the far wall.

"Forgive and forget... And, stick with SilverSong or song Kay?" She requested smiling at him. He chuckled and nodded.

~Sparks trapped in dark~

Peaking hesitantly into the room, GoldSet looked for his sister. But upon spotting the hulking golden form holding his sister tightly he grinned.

At least that was fixed. Even if it was nearly a week later. Creeping over slowly GoldSet cleared his throat and nudged at Sunsteaker. Jumping startled when red optics flashed online violently. He froze in place, waiting for the other to recognize him before speaking and moving again. It took a minute or two, but soon the gold and blue colors fought through the red and took over.

"Set." Said mech gave a huge grin at the soft greeting and nodded softly at him.

"Hey streaker, ratchet wants to take another look at Song's memories. He wants to make sure there's not something he missed the first three times." And the fourth, and fifth time the medic had hooked into their heads and tried to find the two years of missing memories. So far, nothing was coming up. It was just blank.

Snorting softly Sunstreaker nodded, shifting to nudge the blue and silver femme awake. She made a whine like sound, and shifted to hide her face plates into his side with a grumbled, half hearted curse. Shifting GoldSet watched Sunstreaker roll his optics and brush a few cables from SilverSong's face plates tenderly then whisper to her gently. She made another fussy sounds before sitting up and rolling her shoulders.

"Fiiiiiiine." She whined, rubbing at her wires before stretching and making soft noises as she did so. Both mechs chuckled at her, and GoldSet grinned when she pouted and scowled at them.

"Go on silly femme." Sunstreaker encouraged, sitting up to let her get up. She did so and left a kiss to his cheek.

"You had better still be here when I get back." He chuckled lightly, and laid back down smirking.

"I did promise I would. I keep my promises."

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