Whole Short Story

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John chucked the ball.

"There, now go get it!", John said to his little brother.

"Mom!", Jack cried. "John threw the ball over the fence again!"

Mom stomped out the back door to the backyard. Mom stared at John with her hands on her hips.

"He tried to throw the ball at my face, mom!", John said pointing to his five-year-old brother. Jack looked at mom with his liips poked out and the puppy dog eyes. Mom's heart melted immediately.

"Do you really think he could've hurt you with his throw? He's only five years old, John.", Mom walked over to Jack and rubbed him on his head. Jack gave an evil smile to John.

"Look, Mom!", John pointed to Jack. Mom looked at Jack's face but by the time she looked, Jack went back to his puppy dog face.

"You...you didn't look in time. He's teasing me."

"He's an angel."

"He's a spoiled brat devil!", John screamed. Jack began crying. Mom picked up Jack and consoled him.

"You didn't have to say that, John! Now go next door and ask the Robinsons if you could go get the ball!", Mom yelled then walked back into the house. Once Mom was about ten steps back into the house, John heard her say to his little brother: "It's okay. I know he hurt your feelings. You want some ice cream?" What spoiled brat would decline that offer? John punted the grass in his backyard at the sound of Jack's answer.

"What's wrong, son?", Dad said to John. John was laying on his bed, crying in the fetal position. Dad was sitting on the bed next to John on his backside.

"Jack always gets what he wants.", John sobbed.

"Oh yeah?", Dad asked.

"Yes, Jack always gets what he wants. Whenever you're not here, and you're never here anymore, he just cries and whines. All the time! That's all he does everyday and people just hand over to him what he wants. And Mom is his main supplier! As soon as she looks at him, her heart melts for him. She wants to give him what he wants. What about what I want!"

Dad's eyebrows raised.

"Ah, I see what this is about."


"It's about what you want."

"No, its not...And even if it is, don't I deserve what I want to?"


"Thank you!", John said as he flashed his arms in the air.

"But, I've been talking to your Mom and brother lately. Have you thought about what they want?"

"No.", John admitted.

"They wish I was around more often too. They want me to be around more often. Have you thought about how your mother feels? About how your brother feels?"

"No.", John mumbled.

"Your mother is in pain, and she does spoil your brother, anyone can see that, but she's still a great mother. She's just trying to be there for Jack because this situation may be a little harder to understand for him.", Dad explained.

"Yeah, I guess you're right.", John said.

"And while your mother is trying to make sure your brother is happy, and you're trying to make sure John is happy, who's focusing on your mother's happiness?", Dad asked.

"But, Dad, isn't that where you come in?", John turned to his other side to look directly as his Dad. His father disappeared.

John ran downstairs and saw his mother preparing dinner for the evening. Mom turned around and saw John and said:

"Oh, I thought you were still in your room?"

"I was. I just came downstairs."

"Oh.", Mom said.

The two broke eye contact and looked around the room while rubbing the back of their necks. All they could hear was the sizzling bacon and eggs in the frying pan. Breakfast for dinner seemed to be perfect the day.

"Well", Mom broke the silence. "Dinner should be ready in about fifteen."

"Ok. Thanks.", John said then turned around to head back upstairs. John stepped one foot on the next stair but didn't continue to go up. John turned back around and said: "Mom."

Mom replied:


John stepped off the staircase and walked to his mom.

"I'm sorry that I've been a pain in the beck lately. And I'm sorry Dad died. I cant even imagine how you must feel."

Mom's eyes filled up with tears. She pulled in John close to her and stroked his hair.

"Thank you, and I'm sorry. I've been giving so much attention to your brother, I've forgotten about you and what you want...Is there anything I can get you?"

"You've already given it to me", John smiled.

"Well, let me get you some Ice Cream anyway", Mom said as she released the hug.

"I wont stop you", John laughed and so did Mom.

Mom reached in the freezer as Jack started running downstairs. Jack always got excited when he saw his mother looking in the freezer for something. Jack saw a pen on the floor, picked it up and threw it at the back of John's head.

"Oww!", John turned around and saw the pen on the floor and his smiling evil brother. Mom took out the tub of ice cream. John picked up the pen and chucked it at his brother's face. Mom saw it.

"Mom, did you see that?", Jack cried. "John threw the pen at my face! Can I have some Ice Cream?"

Mom touched her heart softly and walked over to Jack.

"Oh, baby!", Mom said soothingly as she rubbed his soft hair. Jack wore a frown on his face.

"You can have some Ice Cream after you say sorry to your brother for throwing the pen at him first, and after you eat your dinner.", Mom said. Mom kissed Jack's head and walked back over to the tub of Ice Cream.

"But, but..."

"Please, Jack. I'm trying to get some Ice Cream for your brother.", Mom smiled. John smiled back at his mother then snuck an evil smile to his little brother. 

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