|| Your First Kiss ||

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|| Meliodas ||

(Y/N)'s Pov:

I have been travelling with the Seven Deadly Sins for a few months now. It was like nothing I had expected. From Harlequin's stories, I was ready for fights every other day; but it was much calmer than that. I was not a waitress but I helped around the bar a lot with Ban; that was my daily life other than the few bar fights that would spice things up. In my months of travelling with the Sins, nothing dangerous had happened since the day at the Vaisel Festival. But I didn't mind, I found it peaceful and nice.

It felt like home.

There was one thing that bugged me however. Whenever I looked at the Captain, my heart would pulse faster than I had ever felt it do before. My chest felt heavy and my ears would ring. Butterflies in my stomach would take flight and push my heart up into my throat.

At first, I thought I was cursed - although that sounded rather unrealistic. I went a few weeks worrying whether I was sick or broken. I was soon met with the realisation that I was developing feelings.

I hated it.

Because with that love, came intense jealousy. Meliodas was an attractive man and men and women were constantly throwing themselves at him which evoked overwhelming jealousy, as well as resentment to myself for being jealous in the first place. I was in an array of emotions that I didn't know how to handle.

It was worse that two of the women that threw themselves at him the most - Elizabeth and Diane - were around him at every second of the day. It made my stomach churn as I watched them flaunt all over him. I wished I could get rid of the negative thoughts, but I couldn't control my feelings.

But I knew I had no right to be angry or rude or hateful. I had no right to feel as if Meliodas was mine. Because he wasn't. He didn't know of my feelings and I did not expect him to exempt other women or potential partners for my sake.

The major problem was his reaction to it however. Elizabeth would be sweet and cute, and he would reciprocate with 'touching' her. It made me uncomfortable and I found it incredibly hard to control the anger that would frequently seep through my senses. Although Elizabeth has been anything but rude to me and it's pretty obvious that she is absolutely heads-over-heels for him, I couldn't do that to her. She truly was the sweetheart she perceived to be.

If she loves him and he replicates her feelings then I would be right behind her, as long as they're both happy, I'm okay with that. That's what I wanted to believe anyway.

I was sitting with King at the tavern, just a few drunken men sat at the other end seeing as it was the early hours of the morning. Diane was cleaning up the mess that one of the large men had spilt without a care in the world, King sat admiring her every move.

"So beautiful..." He mumbled. His eyes were so wide and enticed that they looked as if they were ready to morph into pulsing hearts.

"Jeez, If you're going to undress her with your eyes why don't you just do it in real life." I snickered. His head turned into a cherry tomato, his hazel eyes widening drastically.

"What!?" He screeched. "You are too young to be talking like that young lady." He lectured, his cheeks still blazing with embarrassment as I chuckled at him, failing to catch the stare of a certain blonde.

He shook his head in a failed attempt to rid of his roasting cheeks before floating over to Diane who was struggling to balance the water filled buckets. I sighed slightly whilst pulling myself up from my seat, letting myself stride out the tavern door.

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