| Zeldris Recap |

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|| How You Met ||

(Third-Person)'s POV:

The Wolf Sin of Distraction was a myth that rotated through the carious lands of Britannia, being brought up once again every few years by the curious readers, the tales about her written it many books over the thousands of years.

She was rumoured to be vicious and cruel, neglecting and abandoning her own race to die. 

She was rumoured to be serial and psychotic, leaving her family and friends behind on her own pleasure and well being.

They could not be more wrong. 


The hyper girl skipped happily, her bare feet padding against the damp and bumpy rock. The blonde Captain followed behind her with a smile as he admired the girl's worriless persona, both exiting the large cave.

Her chestnut coloured tail wagged side-to-side in excitement, her raised fluffy ears darting to any source of sound that happened to pass her. 

Both her and Meliodas both walked towards the only source of light at the end of the tunnel, walking silently as (Y/N) giggled loudly while she turned round giddily. 

"That was fun!" She cheered, "Can't wait to do that again!" 

"Fight a giant purple blob?" The Captain chuckled at the Sin. 

"Exactly! She seemed cool." 

"She tried to kill you," Meliodas replied, rasing a brow at the odd girl.

"Everyone's got their problems." (Y/N) shrugged as they stepped out the into the light, both Sins' eyes squinted.

(Y/N) laughed happily as she kissed Diane of the cheek, poking her in the side cheekily before running round to Jenna's side. 

Jenna was slightly taller than the Inu hybrid, her aqua eyes watching (Y/N) with amusement. 

As Jenna allowed the enormous jellybean like gem crack, the darkness sinking into Meliodas' skin as he absorbed the power. 

The Wolf Sin laughed as she watched his face darken, her large (E/C) eyes seeing right through his act. 

"Hey Merlin! Think you could send me over to The Ten Commandments?" The Captain asked abruptly, a few gasps going round the group of friends. 

"Well it's not that I can't, but-" She replied, her voice masked slightly seeing as she was still a mere magical image from her scarred treasure. 

"Are you serious? You can't just waltz into enemy territory! It's suicidal!" Gilthunder objected, leaning forward slightly in the process, his serious voice evident in his tone. 

"You can do it though, right?" Meliodas asked, ignoring The Holy Knight's comment. 

"Indeed, but keep in mind, once I teleport you, there will be a slight delay before you can be teleported back here. In other words Captain, you must survive for more than ten seconds on your own. If an attempt is made any sooner, you will be reduced to a lump of meat. Still want to go?" The mage informed.

"Yeah let's do it!" Meliodas declared.

"Very well then." 

"Hey! Hold on!" Gilthunder objected once again, his worry plastered onto his features, "Why don't you take a little more time before you-"

"I'm only going over there to say hello." Meliodas stated with an evil giggle, "besides, I'll be taking (Y/N) with me." 

"REALLY?!" The Wolf Sin shrieked, her eyes blowing wide in shock and excitement. 

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