An Unordinary Night

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It was like any other weekend that Anthony and I spent together. We usually go eat dinner at a restaurant that's owned by an ajumma. Although not many people come here and it's a bit old and run down, the food is fantastic.

The bell hanging above us rung as I open the door. I walk in with Anthony following behind me. We both got our orders and sat down across from each other at the picnic like tables.

"It looks like we're the only ones here again" Anthony said.

I looked around the restaurant and nodded "Yeah, I guess we are." I bend my head down to get a bite of my food but something felt strange. Like a pair of eyes piercing through my soul. I look up to see Anthony staring at my sweatshirt and shaking his head.

"You are obsessed." he said.

"Am not!" I reply looking down at my sweatshirt. It was an EXO sweatshirt with Kris' name on the front and 'WOLF 00' on the back. Do you know how long I've waited for this sweatshirt? A long time. Like a really long time. Also I wouldn't say that I'm obsessed. It's more like being extremely dedicated to what I like, and what I like is Kris and EXO but mostly Kris. Lol as perverted as that sounds.

We both ate and talked for a while when the bell rang indicating that someone was entering the restaurant. I look up to see who was walking through the door. I swear my eyes were about to pop out of my head. I cannot believe that these people and I are within a 100 feet diameter. I can't believe that EXO just walked through the door. I mean they're  so amazingly beautiful. Why are they here? How did they even know about this place? What is going on? How is this real life? Oh my god they're so perfect! Omo and we're breathing the same air! What?!?!

I continued to casually eat my food and tried to play it cool so that they won't think that I'm crazy. Right?

As EXO walks by our table I can feel my heart beating faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster.... Wait. Did EXO just sit down at the table behind me? I take a quick glance to my side to see that yes indeed they did just sit down behind me.

I place my face in my hands wondering; what is life anymore? I can't right now, I can't even, I just can't. What am I even feeling right now? I don't know what I'm feeling. My inner fangirl is about to explode within me. I don't even know what is happening. What?!

Sitting across from me is a human named Anthony who is trying to contain his laugh because of my reaction. Feeling irritated I kicked his leg. "Oh I'm sorry but is this situation so amusing to you?"

"Uh hell yeah it is," He said as a few chuckles escaped from his mouth. "Why don't you turn around and say hi?"

"What? No I can't do that. They're eating, I don't want to bother them."

"Well at least move all of your hair to the front so that they can see the back of your jacket." Anthony said with a cheeky smile.

"Just shut up and eat." I said throwing a plastic spoon at him.

"Hey, don't be throwing plastic spoons at Anthony now." I laughed at his comment and looked behind him to see a familiar figure walking past the windows of restaurant.

"Oh crap why is he here?" I whispered trying to keep my head low.

"Who?" Anthony turned around to see who I was talking about.

"No Anthony turn back around!" I said with a panicky tone in my voice. The next second I heard something that I really didn't want to hear. The little bell above the door rung. " Shit." Why did he have to come in here?!

"Hey! Long time no see babe!" His voice boomed throughout the restaurant making me cringe. He sat down beside me putting his arm around my shoulder.

An Unordinary Night (EXO Kris one shot)Where stories live. Discover now