Chapter 3

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Chapter 3
Qwin's P.O.V
  I come to in a hospital bed, Blair Gaitu curled up in the chair next to me. That's a little weird, we're not very close. She sometimes comes by to drop off work from the days that I've missed, but it's not like we're dating or anything. I think I'd like that, but no one in our grade even looks at me. I could probably use a little love in my life.

  How the hell am I not dead though!?!? I specifically remember the dark part of the web saying if you cut the right place and your wrist deep enough, you'll have five minutes, no more. Maybe Blair found me before the five minutes were up? I decide to wake her up to find out what happened, but my anxiety was freaking out. It's like a mini you inside your own head saying nodontdothatbadideastopabortmission.

  I did it anyways.

"Blair," I whisper. "Blair wake up." I see her stir and open her eyes. Suddenly she gasps and jumps up, enveloping me in a hug.

  "Wh- what are you doing?" I stutter.

"Ohmygodyourawake! I have go get the doctor, I'll be back!" She sprinted out of the room. 'Strange,' I think.

I take this time to look at my surroundings. I'm in a large room with medical machines attached to my arms with tubes. There's also a bag of blood connected to my arm. O positive. Not surprised they had some on hand. 

  The room had blank white walls, a cold tile floor, and a T.V. in the corner. Reaching for the remote, I almost fall out of bed. I switch it on and flip through channels until Blair comes back with Dr. Groin. I giggle a little bit at his name before Dr. Crotch clears his throat.

" Is it the name?" He asks.

" No not at all,sir."

  " You're pretty polite for the whole trying to kill yourself thing." Mr. Genitalia says. I was finding this way to funny.

  "Ok, so I have this all worked out with Ms.Blair here. You will go to her house everyday after school to attend counseling from her mother. I called, and she is a registered therapist. You are discharged, and you will go with Blair while there is an investigation of your house and father. There will be a court case due to the condition of the house. If your dad's lawyer wins the case you'll go back and live with him. If not, Blair's mother applied to adopt you."

  I here Blair gasp and I turned to her.

"Why didn't she tell me?!?! I feel like this is a matter I need telling about!" She yelled.

  "What, not happy that I might come live with you?" I question.

  She screamed and hugged me, almost knocking out a couple tubes. A little confused I hugged her back the best I could from my awkward position and with all the medical machines around me. I hope my dad doesn't win that case. Maybe there is a chance for me.

A/n: Sorry I haven't updated in awhile, gotten caught up in school lately. Sorry.


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