BoyxBoy Oneshots | The Twins

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^^Ethan and Alex^^———

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^^Ethan and Alex^^

I was sitting (there, barbecue sauce on my titties jk XD) under the bleachers, watching the football boys practice as I wrote on my laptop. My mom didn't want me home while her and Dad were fighting, so that left me with the school to go to. My earbuds were in on full blast, listening to Avril Lavigne's 'Head Above Water'. I was obsessed with the song, so any time I got on Spotify that's what I listened to.

The coach was yelling at the boys for whatever reason and dismissed them from practice. I watched as they walked off the field, checking out the guys. They were all in good shape and fucking hot. That's why I loved going to the football practices, lots of eye candy. I loved looking at hot guys.

I myself was only 5'9, kinda short for my age. My skin was sort of pale since I didn't get much sun and my hair was a brownish color. My body was skinny but not toned, I just had a high metabolism. I usually just wore a black pair of chucks and some jeans and a hoodie, along with my signature gray beanie. I came from a wealthy family, but my dad wouldn't admit that he was ashamed of his gay son.

I was somewhat popular, but not meathead jock popular. I sat with the preps but only talked to the twins, Ethan and Alex. They were what I would consider my best friends, since I hung out with them a lot. But when I was writing I didn't like hanging out with anyone, just me, myself and I. I couldn't concentrate on writing if I talked to someone at the same time.

So I used my Friday afternoons as my writing time. I mostly wrote depressing poems, but I never let anyone read my work, not my teachers, Ethan or Alex. They were too personal to show anyone. Once I'd finished the poem I was writing I saved it to my computer, then shut my laptop and stood up. I took out my earbuds and put them in my pocket, then headed to the school parking lot.

My car was nice since my family had a good amount of money. It was an neon orange Challenger, a present from my parents for my 16th birthday. I myself thought it just proved how spoiled I was, but that was just my opinion... I opened the passenger side door and set my laptop in the seat, then shut the door and went around to the driver's side.

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