Chapter 2

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As Nick and Jeff watched Rachel leave with Hunter, they walked over to Sebastian and Nick said

"Sebastian what was that?" Sebastian turned, looked at them and said

"What do you mean what was that?" Sebastian started walking away from them, where they followed him and Jeff said

"You know what we mean Sebastian." Sebastian walked past Hunter and Rachel talking, and said

"I have no idea what you mean, so enlighten me Niff what do you mean?" They continued to follow him and saw the direction of where Sebastian was looking, and as they walked passed them, Nick said

"You have feelings for your friend's girl." Sebastian stopped walking and turned to face them and said

"I don't have feelings for her." Nick and Jeff weren't convinced, and Jeff said

"Then why flirt with her before you found out who her boyfriend was?" Sebastian folded his arms and said

"I was not flirting with her at all." Sebastian then turned, walked away from the couple, and walked to the warbler room where it was just him, and rang his little cousin Marley

"Hey Marls." Marley smiled when she heard her older cousin's voice through her phone as she laid in bed at the hospital to help her get better, and said

"Hey cousin, you okay?" Sebastian stayed silent, and then softly spoke

"You ask me if I'm okay, yet you are where you are." Marley knew he blamed himself and said

"Sebastian it isn't your fault, it will never be your fault." Sebastian sighed and said

"But I could have done something to stop it though." Marley slowly sat up on her bed and said

"No you couldn't." As she said, the doors of the warbler room opened, Sebastian looked up and saw Thad walk in. Marley then saw the doctors in her room and said

"Seb, the doctors are here now, I have to go, talk soon." Sebastian hung up the phone and sat in silent with Thad, until Thad put a comforting hand on Sebastian's shoulder and said

"Marley will get better." Sebastian shook his head and said

"I hope so Harwood." Thad stood up and said

"She will, because she has you as a cousin. Let's get to class it will distract you." Sebastian agreed, and then followed Thad to class, and as they did, they saw Rachel and Hunter making out and Thad said

"Couldn't they go to his dorm and do that." Sebastian agreed, and walked into History class, sat next to Thad and then said

"I do hope she will be okay." Thad looked at his worrying friend and said

"She will be, she's there to get better Smythe" As he said that, Hunter and Rachel walked in, and sat across from them, and Hunter said

"Who will be okay Smythe?" Sebastian looked at Hunter and said

"Nothing that concerns you Clarington, how about you butt out of my life, and concentrate on yours." As he said that, Hunter was annoyed, and stayed silent but that wasn't what caught Sebastian's and Thad's attention. No what caught their attention was the way Rachel looked when Sebastian told Hunter to concentrate on his own life. Rachel was afraid that Hunter will find out about Ava and Lexi, she didn't want him to know at all. Not when he caused her pain and heartache, and if Puck ever found out what Hunter done, he would risk his probation for her, but Rachel knew that Quinn needed Noah more than a cell, especially since the couple have a daughter together. She was in her own thoughts when she heard

"Rachel Berry." She looked up and saw Nick and Jeff. They smiled brightly at her and Jeff sat down next to her and said

"You have to join the warblers Rach." Before she could say anything, she heard

"You have to." She turned and saw Trent, and smiled, and Nick then said

"What do you think Sebastian, since you are captain, would you let Hunter's girlfriend audition for the warblers?" Sebastian noticed Nick put the emphasis on the word girlfriend and glared at him and said

"Any opportunity to beat the new directions so of course I will let her audition Duvall, but that's only if she wants to." Before Rachel could answer, Hunter said

"Of course she will, won't you Rachel" Rachel nodded her head yes and said

"Of course." The boys were pleased, when she agreed, but Rachel began to worry that people would find out her secret that she buried long ago, more specially she's worried that Hunter would find out everything, and she doesn't want him anywhere near them at all, and if that meant auditioning for the warblers, she will, especially if it meant keeping Hunter away from her sweet girls. As class started, Sebastian took glances at Rachel, trying to figure her out, and as the day went on he began to worry for his cousin, and trying to figure out the girl at Dalton. Thad walked up to Sebastian and said

"Why don't you call her again?" Sebastian leaned on the wall, sighed and said

"She is with the doctors again and apparently she met a young dashing boy." Thad laughed and said

"Only Marley could say that." Thad stopped laughing, as he was worried for his friend, he was the only one to know about Marley being in the hospital and why she was there. Thad leaned on the wall next Sebastian and said

"It's lunch, let's go to the Lima Bean, then comeback to Dalton and prepare for Rachel's audition." Sebastian agreed, and followed Thad out of school, and drove to the Lima Bean, where they saw Rachel sitting with Quinn and Puck, and she looked at ease than she did in class with Hunter. Rachel was pleased when it was lunch, as she gets to see her two best friends, she walked into the Lima Bean, walked over to them and smiled. Quinn looked up and said

"Rachie, how's your first day at Dalton going?" Rachel leaned back in her seat and said

"Good actually." Rachel prayed she didn't let on that her day was going okay, as her worries begin to increase more and more.

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