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It is important, now more than ever, that we begin conservation for our oceans.  We've all seen the horrifying footage of ocean life swimming with garbage and beaches littered with plastic.  But there is a difference between seeing and doing.

It's our job to save our planet by inspiring others to take action and change the way that they use plastic and dispose of their waste.  

Some things you can do to reduce your use of plastic right now are:

Stop using straws.  Take the lid off and drink it as is or buy your own reusable straws and keep them in your purse or car.

Buy some reusable grocery bags and keep them in your car so that you will remember to bring them into the store with you.

Buy products that come in boxes instead of ones that come in plastic.

Avoid buying food in containers when you can buy in from bulk bins.

Buy a reusable water bottle.

Don't use plasticware at home.  

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