Chapter 3

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It was his turn to take care of Mae this week.

As it turns out, Mae has certainly squirmed her way into Foxy's heart.

Now it was her favorite time of week to play- no, take care of her.

Mae sat on the stage as Ballora was having her last conversation with her before she left.

Foxy slowly appeared from his curtains.

Mae was looking down at her feet as her red cheeks flushed from probably embarrassment.

"It is okay." Ballora soothed. "Not everybody is perfect. It'll take time. I believe in you!"

Mae slightly looked up and nodded an "Okay".

Ballora straightened up and called out to Foxy.

The white and pink Fox put his hand up. "Ballora, I'm already here."

"Oh, well...I suppose have a good time with Mae!"

She waved before she twirled out of the gallery with elegance. As usual.

Foxy looked down at Mae, whom was still very interested in her shoes.

"Hey kiddo," Foxy jumped down to her. "Tripped up dance recital?"

Mae nodded glumly. "I just wish I was like her. But I'm so clumsy.." the little 9 year old said.

Foxy's tail stopped wagging before he got an idea.

"Hey, what about we have some play time? You don't need elegance to have fun, right?"

A slight smile tugged at Mae's lips from she restrained it. "Yeah, but it would be awesome to be like Ballora."

"Hmph," the Funtime huffed. "I thought you wanted to be like me, after all, I am awesome and extremely charming."

Mae wiped her dripping nose and shoved Foxy playfully with her clean hand, "Get on my level!" She teased.

The Funtime pretended to fall down, "Oh woe is me! How can you hurt such an innocent being?"

Mae laughed, "Foxy, cut it and get to the fun stuff already."

Foxy got up, his tail now wagging. It made him happy that Mae was back in her spirits.

"Okay, let me find something in my stage first, then we can play."

Mae nodded and started playing around on the floor.

Foxy leaped back up on the stage and stepped through the curtains to access the inside of the stage.

The pink lightbulbs made the already pink room seem erratic.

Foxy opened a little chest that was next to his mirror to find the object he needed.

After a few minutes of searching, he had disappointingly found nothing.

He frowned, "Where had I put it..." The Fox got up only to be surprised by the broken animatronic.


He was once again face to face with that robot.

Now that he was closer this time, he had a clear look of what this robot looked like.

Ennard had a white mask with a clown nose which made him look a little ridiculous. He had only one eye. A blue eye.

He was mostly made up of wires. His wires snaked up to the ceiling.

"Y-you again!" Foxy stuttered then flushed red now realizing he stuttered.

A smirk placed itself on Ennard's face, making him look rather creepy.

"L-looking fo-for this?" He asked holding the object that Foxy had  desperately been looking for.

"Hey! That's mine! Give it back!" Foxy complained.

"I thi-think not." He grinned and started to go up a hidden hole up on the ceiling.

Foxy snarled and lunged up, he managed to grab one of his wires. Despite that, Ennard seemed to ignore him and go through the hole, entering a vent.

Foxy blinked, now seeing lots of wires in this one single vent.

Is this his whole body? Foxy thought as he began to crawl up on the wires that connected to his head.

He finally managed to make to his head. The vengeful Fox immediately grabbed the right side of Ennard's head.

Suddenly wires wrapped around Foxy's torso and limbs.

Ennard turned around with a dissatisfied look on his face.

"For a fo-fox, you're not really that sl-slyyyyyyyy."

"Let me go!" Foxy demanded as he struggled with the wires.

Ennard laughed, which sounded absolutely terrible by the glitching.

He went up nose to nose to the struggling Fox.

"You're in my world now. You have to play by my rules now. Sadly there is no time for funtime now."

The wires suddenly tightened around Foxy's waist as he let out a squeak.

"You were a fool to follow me."

'Ello my fellow readers.

Sorry for the cliffhanger, but I guess that's how you keep an audience.

Have a fabulous weekend~



Ennard x Funtime Foxy|How Can You Love A MonsterWhere stories live. Discover now