Chapter 4

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Where is he? Mae wondered as she stood up.

It's been 15 minutes and the Funtime hasn't come out yet.

Something was wrong. Mae just knew it. So she hopped up on the stage.

She entered the inside of the stage and found the Fox wasn't there.

A chest was left open and there was a huge hole in the ceiling.

Odd. Mae frowned and looked through the chest, searching for clues to present themselves.

After searching endlessly in the chest, she looked up and called out his name. The only response she received was her own echo. She frowned and got out of the backstage.

Mae had to tell someone. Something was wrong. Deeply wrong.

//////Meanwhile with Funtime Foxy//////

All she saw was darkness when she awoke. Was it all just a bad dream? She tried to move her paw but realized she couldn't.

The fox looked down and saw steel wires were wrapped around her figure. Every time she tried to move the wires tightened. The animatronic gave up on trying to escape.

She stayed silent as she sifted through her memory. The memories replayed before her eyes. The mysterious robot she had met nights before had kidnapped her. Strangely, she felt no resentment towards her kidnapper.

However, she did feel a twinge of anger because of the thieving of her most treasured possession.

Maybe, she could convince the Ennard robot to let her go.. If only he was right here now, thought the Funtime.

As if on cue, rustling noises echoed in the distance. Soon enough Foxy saw a glowing blue eye, feet away from her. All of the sudden, the glow of his eye flickered out into darkness. The Fox's ear twitched as she waited for him to appear.

After a few good minutes, the Funtime felt "breathing" few inches near her. She turned her head and her snout touched the broken robot's clown nose.

"Hello.." Was all that she managed to say in a quiet voice. His cold blue eyes seemed to be staring down into her soul.

"Why did y-you fOlLoW m-me?" He said as the wires around Foxy slightly loosened.

"You stole something that belongs to me." Her voice gained bits of confidence with each word.

"I-I knOw." The robot creepily smiled, "I h-have the i-intent of using it. W-when I'm done, you'll bE glAD."

"Give. It. Back." She snarled a little. Suddenly, a cold wire wrapped around her neck as she struggled.

"I wOuLd k-kill you riGhT now...but I need you alive in my plan." The pink and white fox didn't respond. She felt like she was slipping away slowly, her mechanical parts working harder with the sudden pressure against her. White dots formed before her eyes as the broken robot kept choking her.

"But, it doesn't matter if you're a little broken.." He grinned before, unexpectedly he dropped her. The fox crumpled to the ground, coughing and regaining her control. She lifted her head slowly and saw the broken robot staring behind him.

Funtime Foxy's ears picked up on the sound of approaching footsteps. And it wasn't the footsteps of a was a human.

Ennard immediately skirted away like a yellow bellied coward, leaving the damaged fox alone in the dark.

The door opened and a man with a flashlight stepped in, directing the light at the fox. The man was in a purple suit and had a cruel expression, a two lined scar raced against his left cheek as his creepy grin squished up the scars.

"Well, well, I guess I found our rogue robot!" The man called out. More footsteps approached behind him. Soon enough two men holding tasers were walking to the Fox with caution.

Funtime Foxy was too tired to fight back or run away, and besides her circuits were probably broken.

The men simultaneously tasered the animatronic. Funtime Foxy began to black out before she heard what they said to the purple man.

"Glad we could depend on you boss!" One of them said.

"Yeah, William. We couldn't have found the bot without you Mr. Afton."

The purple man's mouth moved but Foxy's ears didn't pick it up as she slipped into a coma.


No. They are ruining it. My plan.

William Afton...I sweared that if you ever dared enter this place again it would be painful, well I must fulfill my promise.

That fox. Why did it feel so wrong hurting her? She was just a scrap of metal, I shouldn't care. Despite that...I felt so much emotion being emitted from her. Her golden amber eyes were definitely filled with anger when she demanded her item back.

She'll get it soon...But not the way she want it to be. Not the way any of them want it to be.



Hope you enjoyed the story, my lovie dovies!



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