Chapter 2- nicknames

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"Oi, dullard, wake up." 2d mumbled and shifted in place as he felt a firm hand on his shoulder. "mmm, wha..." He mumbled, slowly sitting up and opening his eyes. "Mudz?" He asked, looking at the man standing in front of him. "You fell asleep in the recording studio." Murdoc chuckled. 2d stretched and yawned the cutest damn yawn ever before turning to Murdoc. "Oh, right. I forgot about tha'." He said. "What were you doing down here?" He asked, grabbing his own chair and pulling it closer to 2d. 2d raised an eyebrow and looked around the recording studio. Where was Russel? Had he gone up to bed? "U-uh, Russ and I couldn't sleep so we did a one day song challenge." He replied. "Oh right. Speaking of Russ, he asked me to give you this." He handed 2d a cup of semi-hot peppermint tea. 2d smiled. "Aww, thank you Russ." 2d mumbled, taking a sip. He ran his tongue across the ring of his piercing and Murdoc messed about with some of the tech. "Why don't we listen to this song of yours?" He asked. "Oh, Mudz I don't know if-" "Ah come on, it's not like you sang about sex or something!" Murdoc chuckled, making 2d gulp. "S-suit yourself. It's not done though." 2d stammered. Murdoc nodded before going through some of the recordings and playing all the tracks as they had been left. 2d sighed. It's not like he knows it's about him, it'll be ok. 2d decided, taking another sip of his tea. The intro started playing and he watched the growing look of "Holy shit" on Murdocs face, and resisted the urge to laugh. She's my collar. He let the sounds of 2ds pants permanently ring through his head as he sat dumbfounded. He did this? Russel let him do this? Holy fuck, it's lowkey really hot though. The song cut off halfway through much to Murdocs disappointment. "See, I'm not all vanilla." 2d smirked, taking another sip of his tea. "Didn't know you we're a kinky bastard." Murdoc replied slowly standing. 2ds face flushed and he stared at Murdoc in complete insanity. Sure, they'd made out before, but since Murdoc hadn't had his proper surgeries, they really hadn't gone further in fear of not being able to satisfy 2d. 2d of course thought this was completely ridiculous, but wasn't about to deny he was practically touch-starved. He wasn't interested in birds, he only wanted Murdoc, but he was still healing. "Oh, you'll find out soon enough." He muttered under his breath. "What was that?" Murdoc asked, not sure if he heard him quite correctly. "Nothing! How about we have some breakfast hm Mudz?" 2d smiled innocently as he grabbed his phone, slid it into his back pocket, and bounced out of the room. Murdoc shook his head. He followed 2d as they walked into the kitchen. Soon followed Russel, then finally Noodle. 2d ate some toast while sitting on the counter, watching everyone make their breakfast. "Alright everyone, I have an important announcement." 2d spoke up. Everyone turned to him. "Sup Dents?" Murdoc asked, setting his plate in the sink. "My mum and little brother are coming to visit us in a week!" 2d revealed. Noodles expression went from tired to pure ecstatic in two seconds while Murdoc was quite the opposite. "OH MY GOD WHAT!" Noodle asked, jumping up in her seat. "We get to meet Max?!" Noodle asked, practically bursting from excitement. "Yes! I'm so excited, it's for his birthday! I don't think he knows yet, so we have to make sure the place looks fantastic for him!" 2d added. "Uh...Stuart?" 2d looked at Murdoc questioningly. "Yea?" He only used Stuart when he was around his mom or when he was being serious. "I don't know about know I'm not exactly the most...kid friendly." Murdoc sighed. 2d smiled and wrapped his feet around Murdocs waist. "He loves you Murdoc. He loves the band! Sure I'm his brother but he loves our music too, he's such a fanboy. I'm sure you two will get along great." He explained, placing a gentle kiss on Murdocs forehead. "If you say so love..." Murdoc sighed happily and put his hands on 2ds shoulders. "Gayyyy." They're sweet moment was interrupted by Russel, stating the obvious. 2d stuck his tounge out at Russel before he jumped off the counter. "I'm gonna get ready and go shopping for birthday stuff for Max." He avoided, cutting the conversation off. "Ooh can I come!" Noodle asked. "Murdoc too!" She offered. "What? No-" "Mudzieeee!" 2d whined, giving him puppy dog eyes. "Pweaty pwease?" He begged. Murdoc sighed at his stupidity. "Fine! Ugh, You're driving..." He mumbled. "Yes!" He called highfiving Noodle. "What about you Russ?" Russel shrugged. "Sure, not like I'm doing anything else today." He shrugged. "Alright, everyone be ready by five then." Noodle decided, bouncing out of the kitchen to go get ready. "See you then?" 2d laughed, also leaving the kitchen. Russel turned to Murdoc. "Why so tense man?" He asked, standing and putting his bowl in the sink. "I dunno Russ...a kid and 2ds mum? Staying over here? Do you really think that's the best combination in the world?" He asked, leaning against the counter and crossing his arms. Russel cocked an eyebrow at him. "Chill, you act like Max is a toddler! Besides, you gotta have the balls to even talk to 2ds mom if you ever want to propose." He stated, walking out of the kitchen. "Yea I suppose- wait what?! Russ!" He yelled. No reply. He groaned and rubbed his temples. Everyone in this house was bat shit insane, my god. He sighed and began walking to his own room to get ready.

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