Chapter 2 (Redo)

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"Your fault! Worthless, Pathetic, Stupid, fat!!! Go kill yourself!" The people of New Townsville surrounded me and- My secret identity? Blossom was next to me while I was Momoko, this didn't make any since, we were both dirty, clothes ripped.

"Run and don't stop!" Blossom yelled to me, slowly fading away.

"Please don't go, no one likes me, they like me when I'm you! Please!" I screamed but when I reached to grab her, she was gone.

Soon everyone else was laughing at me, calling me names, I felt scared and completely alone. I pushed through people, running as fast as I could. I tripped, ending up in the forest, I had no idea what was going on and what to do. I reached for my compact but my belt was gone, "Huh?"

Then it got dark, pitch black, the only light coming from my body, it felt like I was falling and I knew I was going to go splat! Light started to form around me, it was a sun set over New Townsville. I looked down seeing the cement, I screamed with tears leaving my eyes, I'm going to die!

I shot out of bed, sweat dripped from my forehead. It was just another nightmare, the same kind I usually had and it would be everyone calling me though's words. Of course they already did in real life but something about a nightmare just made it worse for me.

It was 3 A.M. so I just sat on my bed, pulling my knees to my chest. Tears rolled down my cheeks and my heart hurt. It was going to be a long, long night, like every other night...


I showered, not even getting a wink of sleep last night, I put on some old baggy sweats and a plain pink shirt. I put on my converse, brushed my teeth, braided my hair and ran out bag in hand. I made it to school and went to my locker pulling put my A.P books, the locker slammed shut and I was shoved into them causing me to drop my books. I looked up seeing Dexter, and his group of friends who were walking off, he looked back and winked at me and then disappeared inside a classroom. He started to bully me when I didn't want to go out with him, I just didn't like him like that he was a good friend and now he's just another jerk in my life. I shook it off and went to class, not really paying attention just staring out the window in my own little world were it's just me, myself and I.

I went to lunch, looking for Kaoru and Miyako but when I found them they were busy both swarmed in by boys. I just went outside for lunch, this has happened before and even though I should be use to it, I feel kinda hollow. Practically alone but maybe that's how it's supposed to be for me, alone, a loner, it would explain a few things. I sat down on the over grown root of the tree.

I looked at it's trunk, "Momoko + Miyako + Kaoru = Best Friends Forever!"

I remember that exact day, it was freshman year and the air was warm. No one quite knew each other yet except for the ones who shared the same middle school yet no one was ganging up on kids like me. I was still hurting but I put my act up, pretending to be my old self back then and no one knew. I guess people didn't like my old personality considering it made me a dead end target that wouldn't stop until we left this place.

I sighed, it was still cold outside but I let my hand drift around the carving, eyes closed. It use to be so easy back then, so simple and now it's utterly depressing. My mom didn't get to see me or my little sister grow up heck my little sister didn't even get to grow up, she was way to young. She would never get her first date or prom or boyfriend or engagement or wedding, not even get to experience children herself because I didn't protect her. She did get her first kiss though, it was with ken, they would've been so cute together...

The bell rang signaling lunch was over and we had about 5 minutes to get to class. Slowly I got up, ignoring the growl in my stomach, the twisting ache it left like it was eating me alive and made my way inside the horrible, horrible place we call high school...

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