Chapter 5

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The auditorium erupted with laughter as my heart dropped and tears came to my eyes. I ran out the side exit doors and didn't stop running, even when rain beat down on me. I ran to my house, running upstairs to my room, my dad was at work so I was safe for now. I took off my pink backpack, dumping out all the books and papers from school before filling it with some clothes and extra supplies I'd need. I started to leave my room when I stopped seeing my reflection... I was a mess, Blossom wasn't a mess but then again I wasn't really ever meant to be Blossom... I took off the compact throwing it in the corner of the room before running downstairs. I went to the kitchen, throwing some food and water in my bag before heading out the door. I just ran, for miles. I couldn't stop, not when my heart was filled with so much pain and loss, I just wanted to get out of this stupid town... Soon I was engulfed in trees, I ran for a few more minutes before stopping completely and collapsing to my knees. I let out choked sobs, the tears ran down my cheeks, never stopping and my whole body shook in pain. I've only felt like this when I found out I was the only one to survive in the car crash and the first time my dad ever hit me... Memories are what hit me the most... Memories of what it use to be like with my friends and family, when I wasn't the laughing stalk of the school. When everything didn't hurt and I wasn't treated like I was nothing but a waste of space... No one even cared, no one thought of my pain. All they really wanted was someone to laugh at! Do they not realize how BAD THIS HURTS FOR ME?! I CAN'T JUST GO HOME AND CRY TO MY MOM BECAUSE SHE'S GONE! WHY! Why would they do this to someone... Why?

I took a few deep gulps of air before grabbing my stuff and continued walking. I needed shelter for the night and I also needed to be farther in if I wanted to stay safe and away from anyone in the town. As if they would even care I was gone, they'd probably host a celebration in disappearance...

Time passed and the started to go down, I was exhausted and I needed to find shelter fast. I saw a stream, and since I wasn't having any luck I decided to follow it. Right when I felt like my legs were gonna fall off, I spotted a cave, sucking up the pain, I ran to it, I went in but not to far just in case, I didn't know what else was in here...

I pulled out my jacket, slipping it on before laying my head down on my backpack, slipping into the comfort of darkness hoping tomorrow never came...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2015 ⏰

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