Chapter 4

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I was slammed against the living room wall with my face stinging, "Go. To. Your. ROOM!" My father yelled and I did just that.

I shut and locked my door, breathing deeply as tears stuck to my face. I got ready for bed, sneaking out to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I went to my mirror I had a bruise the shape of a hand print forming on my cheek and then bruises on my arms.

I wiped away my tears, glaring at my reflection. I hated myself so much, why couldn't it be me? Why could I be the one to die in the car crash? Life would be a lot simpler, I wouldn't have to feel pain anymore either.

I turned off my light and climbed into my bed, letting my nightmares pick and tear at me.


I climbed out of bed and went to my closet, I put on black leggings, red hoodie and light brown Uggs. I put my hair up and put on foundation to cover the bruise. I would've blamed it on princess but her hand was smaller.

I brushed my teeth and grabbed my bag, running down the stairs only to get yelled at by my father, "BE HOME ON TIME TODAY!" He growled.

"Okay..." I replied then booked it out the door.

I made it to school as miyako ran up to me, "Please don't hate me..." She whispered.

"Now why would I hate you?" I was confused, what could she have done that was so bad?

"You know how today's the assemble for school president?" She said avoiding my eyes.

I nodded my head, "Yeah, it's at the end of the day..."

She seemed reluctant but finally opened her mouth, "Kaoru and I kinda signed you up so you could get some more friends and be happy..." She finally said.

My heart stopped in my chest, I stared wide eyed at her, "Um t-thanks Miyako, that was um v-very thoughtful..."

She breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank goodness, I thought you were going to hate us!"

The bell rang and we left to our classes, I spent the rest of the day freaking out, I was going to die! I can't do this, this is the worst idea ever! "Attention students please meet in the auditorium for the competing speeches for school president." The principles voice came on the intercom.

I slowly made my way inside, I had to sit with 2 other people, one being dexter and the other being taka. I did NOT want this but Miyako and Kaoru are my friends.

Taka went first, his was short, simple and to the point and it was stuff that I think he could actually accomplish. Dexter went next, he had a projector and before he started it, he smirked at me... oh no...

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