Apples and Theives

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Once upon a time, there lived a young girl who loved her father very much...........

Then suddenly I woke up from the first crows of the roosters and realizing I fell asleep in front of the fireplace again.

And I am covered in cinders. Again.

I closed my book shut, which I had been reading last night for a million time. Utopia means paradise. There was a time I experienced that paradise. There was a time it wasn't just the title of my favorite book.

"That's right. Once upon a time it was a good life."

But I got no time for self pitying. I got up and got ready for today's work.

I started my day with picking apples but I wasn't even half way on making my basket full when all of a sudden I heard commotions from the horse stable. And it happened so fast I had no time to think.

There was a man who came out of the stables and he's riding my father's horse!

"Oh no you don't."

I looked down in my hands. The only thing I have are the apples.

This will do.

I stood up. Readied myself and aimed at the man as he and the horse strides fast towards my direction. With a full swing, I hit him straight in the face.

The guy fell from the horse and stumbles in the ground and that's my que to keep on hitting him with all I got. I don't care how many apples will be wasted just to knock this man out.

"Thief! This will teach you from stealing my father's horse!" I kept throwing left and right. "Take that!"

"Please, I just needed to borrow your horse. I need to get away. I had no choice." the thief tries to explain as he still struggles from getting up.

"And I suppose it's also my choice to let a thief go?"

"It's not stealing. I was just borrowing it."

With the last apple I got, I hit him in the head. It sent him back to the ground again but then as if fed up from this commotions, he got up to finally face me and my knees went weak upon recognizing him.

I gasped. I bowed down, my head only inches from the ground.

"Forgive me Your Highness, I did not see you."

"Your aim would suggest otherwise."

"And for that I know I must die."

I saw his feet walking towards the horse. I know I will be punished. I just pray to God it would be quick and unpainful.

"Ahhh.. then speak of this to no one and ahh I should be lenient."

I'm not gonna die today?

I lifted my head a little and I see him ride the horse again. "We have other horses, Your Highness. Younger if that is your wish." I'm happy I won't be punished but I'm still reluctant to give my late father's favorite horse away. If I can help it.

"I wish for nothing more than to be freed of my guilded cage."

I did not understand what he meant but seconds later, gold coins were being showered to the soil in front of me.

"For your silence."

And with that, the Crown Prince of Goryeo gallops away with my father's horse.


"I said I wanted four-minute eggs not four one-minute eggs and for GOD'S NAME WHERE IS OUR BREAD!?"

I wince as I heard Choi Sulli's whines all the way to the kitchen. I closed the back door as quietly as I can.

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