Happily Ever After

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"Tell me exactly what he said to you and don't lie. I know Prince Jongin spoke to you after he left the temple." Lady Choi demands to her youngest daughter as they eat breakfast.

"What did he say, Luna?!" Sulli doubles the intensity of her mother's voice.

Luna rolled her eyes. "Well, I can't be sure, it happened so quickly. But I think it goes something like...'serves me right from choosing a stranger over your sister'....yeah I think that's what he said."

Lady Choi and Sulli giggles. They tried so hard to stay calm but when they heard a knock on the door they both went running for it, pushing one another away.

Sulli beats her mother and opens the door. Captain Oh was there to announce something.

"His Supreme King Sooman requests the presence of Lady Choi and her daughters at the palace immediately."

"Is there anything wrong, Captain Oh?" Lady Choi asks.

"No, Lady Choi. The king even wishes that you arrive in style."


They bowed before the royalty.

King Sooman, Queen Janggue and Prince Jongin were sitting at their throne while a portion of the Goryeo population were in the audience.

Lady Choi proudly presents herself and her daughters before the royal family.

"Lady Choi, did you or did you not lied to Her Majesty, Queen Janggue?" the king asks with a firm tone.

Lady Choi thought she heard it wrong. She looked confused.

"Choose your words wisely, Lady Choi, for they may be your lasts." says the Queen.

Lady Choi stood up. She looked flustered. "A woman would do practically anything for her daughters, Your Majesty. Perhaps I did get carried away?"

"Eomma, what have you done!" Lady Sulli yells at her mother.

She stood up and took a step forward. "Your Majesty, like you I'm just a victim here. She lied to us both and I'm ashamed to call her family."

Lady Choi shoved her daughter away. "How dare you turn on me, you little ingrate!"

"You see what I have to put up with?!" Lady Sulli complains.

King Sooman stood up and bangs his staff on the floor. "Silence, both of you! Good Lord!" she looks at Lady Luna. "Are they always like this?"

"Worst, Your Majesty." she answered honestly.

"Luna, darling, I'd hate to think you have anything to do with this." Lady Choi whispered through gritted teeth but because the palace hall was so silent, everybody still heard her.

Luna stood up. "No, Eomma. I'm only here for the food."

"Lady Choi of Goryeo, you are forthwith stripped of your title and you and your horrible daughter will be shipped to Qin on the first available boat." says the Queen. "Unless by some miracle, someone here will speak for you."

Lady Choi took some steps backwards, looking at the people around. Waiting for someone to save them but no one seems to share any sympathy to her.

"I will speak for her."

Lady Choi froze in her place. She knew that voice.

The voice of her stepdaughter.

Everybody bowed down upon her arrival. Lady Choi was shaking. Lady Sulli were forced to bend her knees.

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