Chapter 29- Loss

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We all advanced in a straight line, my father in the lead, followed by my uncles and their personal guards. I was in the back, since my father didn't want me fighting. I tried to protest but I knew that it would do no good.

"Vladimir, Stefan. It has been a while." Said my father.

"Too long Aro. Today, you're reign will come to an end." He growled.

The battle has begun.

Alec and Jane were using their gifts but there was an annoying mental shield. I wanted to fight so badly but my aunts were holding me back. My gaze averted to Felix, who was fighting three newborns. My heart shattered as he was caught in a headlock and ripped to shreads. Demetri had the same fate after killing two newborns. I let out a shriek of despair as Jane and Alec were torn to pieces by Vladmir and Stefan themselves. My own sister and brother. No.... We were losing. Badly. I begged my father to let me join but he ignored me. I watched as my own uncles and aunts were torn apart just minutes after Vladmir and Stefan were killed. My father killed the remaining newborns. We won. But lost so many.

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