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It was a normal day at the site. Faculty milled about. Coffee machines were running at top gear. Nothing of note. Except, of course, some junior researcher had just met their soulmate and had to rub it into everyone's faces. It annoyed the crap out of Dr. Kondraki. Not because he was jealous, quite the opposite. He believed soulmates and the societal pressure of finding one was absurd. Why did people have to hunt down a single person, that they probably don't know, for their entire lives? Because of the universe or because ' just how nature is?'  Bullshit, complete and utter bullshit. He was not alone in his beliefs. A good portion of the senior staff, single or otherwise, agreed with this sentiment including his closest friend Dr. Alto Clef. The two had a lot in common. Neither had soulmates, they're undoubtedly insane, they enjoyed music, writing, watching B-list horror movies every friday, etc. Complaining about certain staff was also a shared trait among the two, best exemplified when Clef rolled on his office chair at top speed to Kondraki's office during lunch to talk shit as per usual.

"Heya Konny." Clef said between pants. "Didya hear who found their shit-mate yesterday?"

"Oh god, who is it this time?" Kondraki said, exasperated yet curious.

"Fucking Williams," He replied, half laughing. "came in today with a black eye and half of his face violet, said he was punched by her brother or something."

Kondraki snorted. "Bull, she probably punched him herself."

"Yeah, he kept blabbering on and on about how perfect she looked and how they're gonna be married next week." Clef replied sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Pfft, you think he actually proposed on the spot?"

"Actually, he did." Clef said, blankly.

Kondraki choked on his lunch. "You're kidding."

Clef shook his head. "Nope. According to him, he caught her and proposed. She said yes."

Kondraki curled his nose in disgust. This is why he hated soulmates. Nobody loved someone for themselves. People just marry anyone off the street without knowing them, some even go around touching other people's marks because they're so eager for 'love'. The worst part is, if you love someone but it's unrequited, you're fucked.

'God,' Ben thought.' the world's so fuckin shitty.' Alto picked up on his frustration, having gotten good at it from knowing him for so long.

"Kon?" He asked, concerned." You alright?"

Kondraki looked up and sighed. "Fine, just-"

"-grossed out." they finished together. That was another thing he'd picked up over the years, the way Kondraki spoke and vice versa.

"Hey!" Alto chirped. "Movie friday! What're we watchin this roll around?"

The prospect of movie friday was enough to shake Kondraki out of his thoughts and make him realize that he hadn't picked anything.

"Fuck, uuuhhh" He replied, trying to think of something they hadn't watched yet.

"Fuck, uuuhhh sounds like a great film. Tell me, is it foreign?" Alto asked, a classic shit eating grin curling unto his lips.

"Oh shut up." Kondraki laughed, shoving Alto lightly."Ehh, I'll just find some shit on Netflix."

"Alrigh-tay. I'll see you at 9" Alto responded with a wink "Don't forget you're on dinner duty!" He shouted as he left.

With that, the two were back to work. Happily awaiting their hour to clock out and hang for movie night.

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