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Everything faded in slowly. One by one his senses reactivated as if being turned by a switch. First came his sense of smell, then hearing, touch. His sight faded in last. He was only able to view the blackness of his eyelids at first, but gradually scavenged enough energy to open them. The first things he saw were bright, blinding, fluorescent lights above him. As his eyes adjusted, he realized he didn't have his glasses on. He was helpless without them. He heard someone enter. Ben turned, finding a blob garbed in blue facing him.

"Hello sir, did you sleep well?" The blob asked.

From the sound of their voice, Ben assumed it was a nurse coming to check on him.

"...Yes...can I...get glasses?" He said, struggling to translate to English.

"Of course." She said handing them over. "You can call me Lola by the way, I'm here to switch your bags."

She was a stout woman with a graying afro and delicate features. Ben trusted her.

"Ben." He said with a curt nod. "Lola, where am I? What happened?"

"Well hon, you nearly up n died a few days ago, if your man hadn't been there to call us up in time, you wouldn't be up n talkin."

"My man?"

"Your soulmate, he was screamin' at us to come get you, thank God he knows CPR."

"After that? How did you save me?"

"We couldn't do anythin' but let your flowers pass on through, they stopped coming up last night I think. You're an awfully passionate man Ben, I'd bet you'd move heaven and earth for your soulmate."

Ben raised a brow. "What makes you say that?".

"The size of your flowers of course," She laughed. "they're the biggest we've seen since the 70s. I find it pretty sweet that you love 'im so much."

"Really?" He asked, flattered.

"Yup. You wanna keep em?" She asked, finishing up.

"Why would I want to do that?"

"Lotsa people keep em for sentimental reasons, some keep em just cause they're pretty. Yours sure as hell are."

"Can you bring one over?"

"Sure, it'll take a bit though."

"I can wait. Can I also get some food? I'm starving."

"Wouldn't doubt it hon, be back in a minute." She said, leaving.

Ben watched her disappear down the hall, anxious for her return. In the meantime he picked up the book on the nightstand to his right and began reading. Before long he heard the door open. Looking up he found a doctor coming in. Said doctor informed him that he'd been unconscious for 3 days and had to remain in the hospital for another 4 to ensure his steady recovery. With a quick nod, the doctor left. Ben was alone once again, though not for long as Lola came back in with a large hydrangea in one arm and food in the other hand. She laid the food tray on a bed table and placed the large flower on the nightstand. She then left, announcing behind her that she had other duties to attend to. Ben inhaled his food, not realizing how hungry he was. When finished, he looked over at his infectious flower. The head was massive, around the size of a football. The colors were more vibrant than previous encounters with the petals foretold. It was impressive to say the least. He stared for a long time, genuinely considering weather to take them home or not. In the end, he decided not to. He gave them to the hospital instead. For the remainder of his time there Ben didn't do much. None of his colleagues came to visit him. Not even Alto. He felt guilty. He felt like his friends absence was his own fault. His due punishment for not getting help sooner.

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