Chapter 4: Knight in Shining Armor

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Lucy P.O.V.
This man was circling around me the whole time I was there. I hopped Natsu was able to get out of here, then he could warn Sting what's happening. He leans down so his face was just in front of me.
"See this is going to be too easy. I can do anything, you are powerless right now." He throws a dark black ball at me. I scream as it hits me, he keeps going and going, never stopping. He didn't even use many spell, just kept hitting me. "If you were here when you were supposed to be then you would have less to go through, but this is all at once and my golly is it wonderful." He had a malicious look in his eyes then finally he stopped when I passed out. I don't remember how it long I was out, but I became aware again when I hear glass shattering, and spells being casted. I knew that Sting was here. The Mayor swings the door open and stand there looking at me.
"Boy, this man has some nerve. You have even more, you never said you were dating him. Now for lying to me you get my most precious spell." The mayor puts his hands together, and he summons a black cloud. He sends it to me, and it was glass, and the black balls all in one. I scream then he comes and pulls a knife out. "Give me one reason I shouldn't kill you here and now."
"Because your going to die first," I hear Stings voice and he is standing right in the doorway. His eyes were covered by his hair, but I never felt his power, his rage. I heard Natsu fighting in the room over, it must be that butler.
"Oh, is this him? The man who tried to take my designated wife away?" Sting looks up and he was in dragon force.
"Designated wife? Designated wife? Lucy is so much more than a designated wife. She is strong and beautiful,. She is my love, and your going to pay for everything you did." He casts a spell, and the mayor was unconscious. Sting breaks the chains, and covers me up as best he could.
"Sting, I'm so sorry, I never dreamed this would happen. It was supposed to be over. I was never supposed to meet him. I'm so sorry." I lean my head on his chest and I start sobbing. The pain was growing unbearable. I had cuts all over by body, and everywhere hurt.
"Luce, listen to me now, this man -if he even is one- is the one at fault. You did absolutely nothing wrong. You did everything right my love, this town will be grateful someone was able to get rid of him. Luce, you were so strong. I love you so much, I'm glad your safe now." I couldn't stop crying, not even a bit. Sting took me straight to Wendy, who was able to clear up some of the cuts and bruises, but I still hurt all over. Sting stayed with me at my apartment until I was physically healed.
"Luce, I need to go. I have to get something sorted out with Sabertooth. Do you want to come with me or stay here?" Sting was lying next to me on the bed. I moved closer to him and held on for dear life. I couldn't be without him.
"Can I go with you?" I started to cry into his chest.
"Yes of course. What do you want to take, I'll get you a bag together."
"My keys. Virgo will have some clothes for me. I don't need anything except for you." Sting wrapped his arms around me and pulls me closer to him.
"Okay, come on let's tell Fairy Tail before we go." He helps me out of bed. I decided to change into my regular clothes. We leave, me clothing Stings hand, for support, and he holds mine tightly. Sting walked up to tell master where we're going, I sat down and talked to Natsu and Erza.
"Lucy, how are you feeling?" Erza asks me, she looked so concerned.
"I'm much better now. Just a little shaken up that's all." Gray sits next to me and across from Natsu. He hardly even spoke to me since we got back. "Natsu, will you walk outside with me for a second?" I get up and walk to the side of the guild, he follows me. "Natsu, what's wrong?"
"Lucy, you know what's wrong."
"Do you really think that was your fault? He was going to do what he wanted with or without you. Honestly it was good you were there. If you hadn't been then I could be dead now. You saved me, you saved me just the same as Sting did." Natsu turned away from me, and his body started to shake.
"Lucy, if I was there, then why did he get the better of me? I promised Sting I would protect you, but I didn't, I couldn't." I put my hand on his shoulder. Natsu turned to me and wiped his face. "I failed you and Sting."
"Natsu, you saved me. You could never fail me," I pull him into a hug, hoping somehow I could reassure him.
"Lucy! We need to get going! The train takes off in twenty minutes!" I let go of Natsu and turn to see Sting walk around the corner.
"Bye Natsu, hey, you were amazing, thank you for saving me," I turn around and run to Sting. I take his hand in mine just like I always do. That night Sting fell asleep right before me. I started to think, and I realized that I was okay. I was alive, and I was with Sting. There was nothing else I could have possibly asked for. I fall asleep with a smile on my face, and feeling protected and loved. For the first night in forever, I dreamed, of my mom and dad. I was in a field, it had wildflowers all over.
"Lucy, I'm sorry. I could have stopped that, but I was so greedy then. I wanted his land and wealth. Lucy, I am so sorry." My dad had appeared next to me.
"Dad, it's not your fault. You did what you thought was best at the time, it's not your fault." I feel my mom put her hand on my back.
"Lucy dear, I helped your father choose this match before I died. I am at fault as well."
"Except none of you guys are. I don't blame you. It was really only his fault. I knew Sting was right, and in all reality, he always is right. He really is." They came together then started to fade. I reach out as they are.
"I like him, Lucy you got the best one." I sit straight up in bed when their gone. I get up from the bed and walk to the front room. Rouge is still up making him a cup of tea when I walk in.
"Hey, what are you doing up?" I sit down on one of the chair in the room.
"I couldn't sleep, you?"
"Same," I look at him as he stands next to the sink.
"You know, we've known each other since we were kids. I met him when I was trying to find a friend, or a family. Somehow I found both in Sting, he is my brother, and I can tell you, he loved you. Never have I seen him even think about doing that for just anyone. You better know what you have in him."
"Thank you, but I have no intention of doing so. I really love him too, I'll do anything for him. But he would go back and forth to see you too."
"Oh, you don't know then do you?"
"Know what?"
"Nothing, Rouge is tired. He doesn't know what he's talking about." I turn around and see Sting walk into the kitchen. "What are you doing up Luce?"
"I had a bad dream. I was actually looking for Lector. He's always really sweet."
"He's in his room. Do you want anything?" Sting was wearing a pair of boxers and an old T-shirt, and looked heckin good. I see Rouge went back into his room, or the shadows. I never know with him.
"Besides you no," I get up and start kissing Sting. He picks me up bridal style and brings me to bed. We don't do anything, but Sting holds me close to him. I take in his smell and fall asleep with him. We spend the time at Saber, or going out to town. Sting keep me close, and I kept him close to me. When I wasn't with Sting he was near and I was chatting with Yukino.
"When are you leaving to go back to Magnolia?" He were sitting at a table relaxing with Lector and Frosch. Frosh was letting me hold him.
"I think I'll leave tomorrow morning. You should come by soon and visit Fairy Tail."
"That sounds fun, maybe I'll come sometime. Why isn't Sting going back with you?"
"He said he has some work to be doing here. I'll see him this weekend though." I turn and see him walk down the stairs. "That is if I don't break and come back sooner."
"Do you miss him terribly when he's not with you?"
"Yes. It usually feels like someone is tearing my heart out of my chest, and hold it barely out of reach."

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