Chapter 5: No mountain too high

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Lucy P.O.V.
I got on the train first thing in the morning. I didn't wake Sting up because he had been up all night, and I was sure I couldn't have handled it. I left him a little note before I left. The train started to pull away when I seen him run to where my window was.
"Lucy!" I look out the window and he's standing there out of breath. "I love you, I'll see you soon!" I hold my hands to the window and form a heart with them, he smiles and does the same thing, he was the last thing I saw before we pulled out of the train station. I leaned my head against the window and fell asleep. When we pulled in waiting on the platform was Gramps.
"Hey Lucy! We missed you." I run to him and hug the heck out of him. He just held me and stroked my hair, like a father would do.
"I missed you too." Gramps takes me straight to the guild, where everyone welcomes me back. "Lucy, I need to talk to you,come here to my office." I look around then follow him.
"Yea, what is it?"
"Well you see, we can all see your pain after Sting leaves, or when you come back and he's not with you. You look so broken and hurt. You look utterly alone. So, we've been talking, and were going to move our guilds. Both Sabertooth and Fairy Tail decided that you guys needed this. Sting will be here tomorrow with the guild, we are combining the guilds. Sting wanted me to tell you, he thought that it would seem more real to you. Lucy, were all here for you and Sting. Please, don't ever forget how loved you both are," I get up and hug Gramps. I couldn't seem to let him go this time. I never knew someone could just move guilds, let alone combine them. What they've done means more than anything possibly could.
"Thank you so much. I don't know how I could possibly thank you enough." That whole day and night we were getting the guild cleaned up and looking as nice to welcome everyone. We got decorations up to welcome Sabertooth as well. When I went to my apartment that night Natsu decided to come with me. I got everything cleaned as soon as we came, because Natsu had been staying there while I was gone, without permission. Everything was beautiful, and I couldn't wait until Sting came. When I fell asleep again that night I seen my parents again.
"Lucy, you need to go back to the house. You need that to move on. You need to go alone and you need to go tomorrow. The ones you love will perish if you don't leave. Go Lucy, go now." Their eyes were glowing as they were talking in unison. I jumped out of bed and left. I ran to the station to get the train right before it left. When I get to the mansion it looked empty. I had my keys next to my body and walked in. I went to my old room and saw it was exactly how I left it, I never knew that my father couldn't even go in there. I went all around, but lastly into his office.
"My goodness, you really are too easy to trick. That was pitiful," The mayor turns around and faces me. "I thought you were better than that."
"Open, gate of the Lion! Let them know I'm here, please. I need to deal with him on my own."
"Do you really think you will be able too? Lucy you were too weak you couldn't even fight me. What makes you think you'll be able to now?"
"That wasn't even a fair fight. You drugged me, I'm more aware now then I was then." I stand straighter and look him in the eyes. "You can't defeat me, dark magic is always going to be weaker than any light magic power." I feel myself start to radiate, and I walk towards him. "You are a coward, and your done."
"You'll wish you never lived, and I'll help you stop!" He starts casting spells, and I keep dodging them. Finally, he hit me with a spell, and it slowed me down. He was starting to hit more and more, but I never stoppin, my clothes had started to rip, but my soul was actually being healed. Finally, hit my ankle, and broke it. I wasn't able to properly move after that one. "Did you really think you could even put a scratch on-" I use my good foot to knock him over. I move on top of him and hold hi arms and legs down with my body weight.
"Did you think I couldn't?" I was about the cast another spell, when I heard Sting and Loke came bursting through the front door. "I have family, and they are a million times stronger than you could even hope to be. You can try as much as you like but your never going to be able to defeat us, we have so much power, and your hardly a speck of dust compared." I stand up and right before they came through the doors the mayor knocks me down again and put his knife to my throat.
"You really are weak, all words, and hardly any power can come from you. I know the toll of having a spirit out for so long can have. I'm surprised that our not dead, because your pretty damn close," the sad thing was he is right. I knew I couldn't keep Loke out forever, and he knew it too. Sting opened the doors and tackle him off of me. I tried to move myself to the wall, but the mayor dodged Sting and hit me with a black ball.
"Lucy! Are you okay?" Loke comes next to me and takes my hand in his.
"I need you to leave. Thank you for your help." He nods his head then vanishes. I use the wall to help me up from the ground and stand against it. Sting is trying, but failing at fighting him. I hear someone come through the door, but I needed to help Sting.
"You bastard, it's time you learned to keep your hands to yourself." I could feel Stings power come together in that moment, and he directs it at the mayor. He is knocked down, but so is Sting. The door opens and the horrible Butler walks in. Sting was down, and the mayor was done for the moment. I was the only one who could even try to fight him. I turn and face him, but I knew I was weak, no matter what I had to protect sting.
"Open, gate of the bull, and gate of the maiden. Virgo, will you get Sting to safety, then go back to the spirit world?"
"Yes of course," Virgo digs a hole from under sting then they disappear.
"Taurus, I'll help you, we need to get him fast." I limp over to stand next to him. The butler still hasn't said a word to either of us, when a Spell came above us and sent Taurus back. He shot one to the mayor, and nothing was left of him.
"I do hate that man, and it's time you fight me, not hiding behind your little spirits," his voice was dark and heavy. "My name is Sam, it's a pleasure to meet you Lucy." I back up against the wall and just look at him. "I do thinking fighting is useless don't you? Besides, this is hardly a fair fight. I think we will just avoid each other, then we won't even have to worry about fighting, unless that's something you fancy doing."
"No, I'd rather not, but why are you doing this?"
"Because, fighting is useless, and I would never have had the opportunity to treat that man as he did me without you. He had me under a spell to where I couldn't do anything but what he says. He stole what my life should have been and made me a slave."
"I'm sorry, he sounds to have truly been a horrible man."
"He was, but he was also powerful. I don't know how you did it, but good job. I've been waiting for someone like you for years now. Thank you for this opportunity I am truly in your debt." Sam turns and starts to walk out.
"Sam!" I hop to the doorway and use it to hold myself up. "If you ever find yourself ever needing a guild, Sabertooth and Fairy Tail will have a spot for you." He stops walking, then keeps on going. I like to imagine that he smiled, or even shed a few tears, but I will never know. I take a few moments to leave, until Virgo lets me know through her key she's left. I use the walls to steady myself as I hop down to outside the mansion, I was going for the town using a mix of hopping and crawling, when I saw that Virgo had Sting's back to a tree. Somehow I think she knew I'd be coming that way. Ihop to him and lightly shake his shoulder to wake him up. He stirs for a second, then I was finally able to get him up.
"Luce! Your okay! My god, I don't remember what happened after that last spell, did I kill him? Why am I all the way out here?"
"Oh so that's a funny story. After you came through, the butler came, his name is Sam, and he killed the mayor. Virgo came and put you here, it was this morning." The sun was directly overhead now. "I'm so glad your okay." I scoot down and hug him, and he squeezes me back. Sting just holds me then like he always does. Sting kisses my forehead before letting go.
"Should we try and go get a train to go back home? To our guild?"

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