Finding strange kittens

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Kira's POV


'STUPID FUCKING ALARM CLOCK!!!' I shout in my mind.

I sigh and head to my bathroom to shower before I have to go to dance rehearsal. I look in the mirror at my reflection. Long bright red mid-thigh length hair, left eye bright red, right eye bright blue, pale ivory skin, '5,4'ft, eight-teen-year-old-average me.

"KIRA!!" my friend Destiny shouts.

"Your going to be late!" Destiny shouts.

'Damn.' I curs in my mind.

I hurry and take my shower rushing around. I fling on a black bra, some boxers, a hat pink sports bra, black sweat pants, and a black off the shoulder belly shirt. As I run down the stairs I throw my hair into a high pony tail, running into the kitchen. I grab a slice off toast and put it in my mouth opening the door and took off running to the auditorium.

Destiny's POV

'Let's see. Two hours home alone with nothing to do. Let's see how much damage I can do.' I snicker evilly.

Kira's POV

For some odd reason I kept getting chill down my spin during rehearsals.

'Oh Jashin, please let me come home to a house that's still in one piece.' I think.

Destiny's POV

I ran around the house, music blasting, chairs, couches, and tables flipped. the pool full of bubbles. Toilet paper hanging from the chandeliers and said case railing. Clothes flung all around the halls and stair case. The kitchen has pizza sauce, pudding, and sugar flung everywhere on the walls and ceiling. Knifes sticking out from the walls and doors everywhere in the house. And me, rampaging through the house on a sugar rush.

I stop to admire my work and flip a table up right and flop down on it instantly falling asleep.

Kira's POV

As soon as rehearsals were over I ran home, turning a sharp corner I trip over a box and face plant.


I look back at the box and glare at it.

"Stupid fucking boxes." I grumble.

I then hear mews coming from the box.

Akatsuki POV

"Why the fucking hell are we kittens and the fuck are we in a fucking box?"  Hidan shouts.

"Shut up." Kakuzu growls.

"What do we do Leader-sama?" Zetsu asks.

"Humm. We'll have to wait and hope some one finds us and takes us in." Pein says.

"Fuck that I'll claw my way out of this fucking box." Hidan begins to pointlessly claw at the box.

"Tobi is a good boy!" Tobi shouts.

Diedara growls in annoyance.

Third POV

The Akastuki then begin to hear running foot steps and then the box is suddenly kicked. Causing the kittens all to ram into the walls of the box. The kittens get back up from the sudden movement to hear groaning.

"Stupid fucking boxes." a girl growls glaring at the box.

Hearing the mews the girl crawls over to the box and pears in side to see nine strangely colored kittens.

"Awww. Your all sooooo cute." the girl picks the box up and begins to head back home.

But what the girl doesn't know is that the house is trashed and on a table is a sleeping girl recovering from a sugar rush.


Well that was the first chapter. Hope you all liked it!!

Sorry if updates are slow and if chapters are short.

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