chapter two.

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"okay im back matt"

"in my room"

"okay let- what in the world are you wearing! you cant hike in a jean vest."

"hike? what, since when are we hiking?" he confusingly asked.

"since 15 minutes ago when i said and quote 'lets go on an adventure' remember?"

"hiking is not an adventure its a form of exercise that involves me moving. im fine waiting in the car." matt said while grabbing his phone.

"get changed, again and meet me at the car in ten minutes."

driving to the hiking trail was an adventure itself. the sky was gloomy and the traffic was light. the windows rolled down, music playing in the background and matt telling corny jokes along the way. thirty minutes of this was a dream come true.

"woah we are hiking up this?"

"yeah, its gonna be fun. why you scared of a little mountain?"

"what me? scared pfft. never" matt said puffing his chest out and standing a little taller.

"then stop complaining and start hiking" i said smiling running ahead.

15 minutes in.

this was wonderful the view, the breeze, the smell of nature. this was ten times better than a tweet or instagram picture.

"this is so pretty matt"

"not as pretty as me." matt smiled.

"oh my god. use a ladder and get over yourself." i laughed smacking his shoulder.

"but seriously i wouldnt mind waking up every morning and seeing this." matt said snapping a couple pictures.

"yeah. that would be amazing, wouldnt it." i said catching up to matt who had already started walking down the trail.

"so whats next?" matt asked as he got onto the freeway.

"whatcha mean?" i questioned turing down the radio.

"ya know on our 'being adventurous' list"

"oh, i didnt know it was a list" i laughed, "not to sure. you choose next"

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