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Golden rays of sunlight threatened to break through the wooden planks that covered the shattered window. Worn, midnight purple curtains permanently remained semi drawn, their colour contrasting the off white walls that bore stains from years of aggravation. The one black wall opposite the covered window was home to a collage of pictures, memories frozen still in time. The ratty, cream carpet was faded and had lost its comforting softness, whilst the crumbling plaster of the ceiling hung perilously over head, lying in wait for its moment to fall.

Cheryl Blossom sat on the bed in the rickety, Southside trailer. Knees brought to her chest as she rest her head on her knees weakly. Deep, chocolate brown eyes glassy with tears as she held back the tsunami that was terrorising her mind. Blossoms shouldn't cry, but this one can and will. Pale fingers traced across the metal headboard of the bed, eyes following them like a loyal dog over the twisting, entwining bars. Cheryl raised her head delicately to make eye contact with the boy sat on the floor across the small room. Little creases formed on his forehead, worry and pain twisting his young features into something much older with a broken spirit. Sweet pea looked small right there, sat on the floor with his knees to his chest, an impenetrable barrier to keep the truth at bay. His black hair was unkempt and greasy, contrasting with the formal suit the red haired girl had forced him into.

Fangs was sat in the creaking desk chair, not letting himself lean back in comfort because there was no comfort in this place, only memories and pain. He leaned forward from the edge of the wobbly, battered chair, resting his elbows on his knees as he kept his eyes tightly glued shut. If he couldn't see the world, it couldn't hurt him. It was Jughead who shattered the unending silence first, running a shaky hand through his black hair. Tattered serpent jacket over a pristine white shirt, legs crossed over as he stared down at his hand intently before raising his head slowly, almost timidly. He was to fangs' side, sat on the edge of the desk as his eyes focused on the overloaded wall of pictures.
"She wouldn't have wanted this." He murmured softly, his trembling voice barely audible but his words screaming loudly like a mandrake pulled from the ground. It was true, Toni Topaz wouldn't have wanted this.

Cheryl turned her head quickly to fix a malignant death glare in his direction, her fingers tightly clenched in fists.
"You don't get to decide what she would have wanted," the girl bit icily, her eyes almost shielded by the lattice of her black lace, veiled fascinator. Jughead glared back at her, challenging the ice queen to do something about it. Standing up rapidly, Cheryl moved across the room gracefully despite her murderous mission. Sweet pea was ripped out of his swirling silent solitude by the sudden commotion. The tall serpent was on his feet almost instantly, wrapping strong arms around Cheryl's black clad waist and pulling her back.
"Not today red," her murmured softly, pained sadness edging his words. Cheryl didn't bother fighting his grip, didn't try twisting away or hitting him until he gave up. She didn't hurl insults at him or burn him with a glare, there wasn't any point without Toni at her side. She turned in the tall boy's arms slowly, wrapping her own pale, slender arms around him as she looked for some form of comfort during this ordeal.

Sweetpea had shed the black blazer of his suit a long time ago along with the tie he hoped would come alive as a serpent, tightening its grip around his neck and suffocating the life out of him. Maybe then he could find the missing piece of their group. Cheryl's tears soaked the white shirt he was wearing, making it almost transparent, he didn't care however, as her black mascara smudged across the white. She had only ever shown this side of her to her pink haired girlfriend, never had she thought she'd lose the person she cares for most. Sweetpea held her tightly, a part of him knew Tiny would want him to look out for the red haired girl. He ran his hand up and down her back in soothing circles, his fingers dancing over the serpent on her vibrant red jacket, the only colour anyone had worn to the ceremony. Toni wouldn't have wanted her to take it off.

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