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Pink hair tucked tightly underneath a black beanie, Toni Topaz made her way from Thistle house towards the makeshift shooting range and the line of poisons. Her tan hands shoved into her jacket pockets to defend from the icy chill around the manor, pulling the branded black jacket a little tighter around her mesh clad torso. Her mind a spinning nightmare as she carefully thought about what Jughead had said in the diner, and how to show him that he was wrong.
"Archers, draw! Anchor your hand at the corner of your mouth. Use your dominant eye." Cheryl called confidently, her natural manner of being HBIC kicking in as she walked behind the line of women. Her eyes examining each and everyone of them intently as if watching for them to fail. "Now, relax, my pretties." Cheryl mused lightly, her voice softer than her previous commanding tone. Toni came around the corner to watch curiously for a moment, listening intently to her girlfriend teaching the others.

"Release." She demanded simply, the synchronised twang of six bow strings sounding off before the thud of the arrow hitting their targets, some more accurately than others. "Brava." Cheryl congratulated proudly on that same powerful tone. "Now go again." She demanded calmly, nods from the poisons as the moved to try a second time.

"Nice work, Poisons." Toni said lightly, her tone laced with sadness from her earlier meeting with 'the serpent king'.
"They have an excellent mentor, Tee." Cheryl beamed happily, turning to admire her girlfriend.
"They certainly do, babe." Toni said slowly, keeping her eyes off of Cheryl as she turned to face her anyway. Cheryl smirked lightly, reaching one red, gloves hand up to gently cup Toni's cheek. Raising her head slightly a pecking her lips affectionately. Pulling away slowly carefully analysing the pink haired girl's features and frowning.
"Something wrong, mon tresor?" She questioned worriedly, looking over the other girl in concern. Toni still refusing to fully meet Cheryl's eye as she sighed quietly and looked up.

"Jughead." She stated flatly, her tone pained as she glanced away from Cheryl completely for a moment. "He tried to convince me to rejoin the Serpents."
"That worm." Cheryl hissed instinctively, clenching her jaw tightly before softening her tone. "What did you say?" She questioned nervously, admittedly not completely sure where the other girl's loyalties lie.
"No." Toni replied bluntly, finally looking up at meeting Cheryl's eye quickly. "Obviously. He had the audacity to call us a vanity project." She complained bitterly, shaking her head in disgust as how low Jughead and really sunk. Cheryl stiffened slightly at the accusation, adjusting her position slightly half out of awkwardness and half because she was fuming herself. "But don't worry, babe, I'm gonna figure out a way to put him in his place." Toni told her seriously, quickly glancing the red head over before walking past her and starting to head towards the house. Cheryl smiled fondly at the nickname, before tightening her jaw again and glancing over her shoulder at Toni.

She let out a long sigh, walking towards the target confidently as she eyes it up. Toni paused and turned around, watching her girlfriend curiously for a moment as all the poisons lowered their own bows to watch the red haired river vixen carefully. Drawing back the string of her bow precisely, Cheryl focused on the target in front of her.
"Time to show Jughead just how poisonous we pretties can be." She stated simply with a smirk, firing the arrow quickly. It shot through the air instantly, impaling the bullseye of the target perfectly.

Toni sighed softly. Shaking her head slightly in amusement. She loved Cheryl with everything she had but sometimes the red head got a little ahead of herself. Toni stood to the side admiring the taller girl happily, her eye briefly tracing across the poisons Cheryl was so easily commanding over before settling back on her girlfriend. Cheryl glanced in Toni's direction and smirked, catching the smaller girls eye and simply brushing her hair over her shoulder.

Cheryl held the eye contact a moment longer before stopping across the grass towards Toni confidently,
"anything I can help you with ma Cherie?" She questioned curiously, tipping her head to the side slightly with a grin. Toni chuckled lightly, putting her arms around Cheryl's waist and gently pulling her closer.
"Mmh, not right now." She teased lightly, leaning forward and quickly pecking her girlfriends lips. Cheryl smiled happily, her arms sneaking around Toni's back gently to hold her closer.

"I love you" Toni murmured quietly, sweet words only meant for the red head to hear. "God I love you so much Cheryl," she whispered, leaning up and kissing the taller girl's cheek gently. Cheryl grinned joyfully at the admittance, looking down at her girlfriend happily.
"I love you too," she told Toni honestly, meeting the other girl's deep brown eyes lovingly.

Word Count

Date Posted
Friday 29th March 2019

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