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1000 days without you

"Hey mum," the girl murmured softly, her pink hair contrasting her tanned skin and concealing her from the rest of the world. She sat down in front of the small, smooth granite stone. Her heart sinking a little more. "I know it's been a while since I was last here." Toni mused lightly, reaching out to place her small hand on the cold surface of the rock. She was tiny, a small dot against the sea of gravestones around her. She paid no mind to that, keeping her eyes on the singular stone in front of her.
"I'm sorry, things have been-" she paused, not knowing what to say as she slowly dropped her hand from the stone. "Challenging, lately," she decided finally.

"Last time I was here I told you about the seizure I had, I've been fine since then. You don't need to worry mum. And losing the serpents. I feel like everything I touch is bound to disappear lately. They were the family I had left." Toni sighed softly, looking down at her hand as a small tear threatened to escape. "God, look at me," she chuckled weakly, tipping her head back slightly to stop the tear. "talking to a grave as if your still here." Toni muttered quietly, her heart aching a little more. "I wish you were still here," she murmured, reading the same words she'd read a million times.

Toni bit her lower lip gently, closing her eyes with a small sigh. "Grandpa's sick," she whispered quietly, barely getting the words out. "I know you'd say it's time and that everyone dies eventually but I'm not ready." She admitted weakly, her voice cracking as she quickly wiped a tear away. "I'm not ready to lose him mum, he's all I've got left of back then, of when we were all together and I can't-" she cut herself off, breathing in deeply to try and calm herself down. "It hurts mum, it hurts so much. He doesn't deserve this, god he's such a good man." Toni murmured weakly, staring down intently at her hands now as if the way to save her grandpa would miraculously spring to life.

"I know, I know you'd say I still have Cheryl. You were always looking on the bright side of everything. I love her, I really do. I love her more than anything. But I'm worried," she admitted slowly, looking back up at the grave stone hesitantly. "She joined the farm, which is basically a cult." Toni scoffed quietly, slowly shaking her head in disappointment. "Cheryl said the farm let's her talk to her brother, Jason. But Jason's dead, mum, he's gone. I went to Betty, demanded to know why Cheryl was with the farm now. When Betty mentioned that Edgar somehow helped people talk to the dead I thought of you mum." Toni admitted honestly, her heart cracking just a little more with sadness. "I thought maybe there was a chance I could see you again. But I know you would hate me if i sell my soul for that. I entertained the idea for a little bit, being able to see you again, if that was possible I-" she stumbled over her words having to wipe away more tears and focus again on not letting them through. "I'd just want a hug mum. More than anything, just one last hug." She admitted weakly, letting the tears fall this time as she bowed her head.

Silent sobs racked her body as she gave in, gave in the the pain and the sadness. It had been 2 years and 9 months since her mum died. However, it was still fresh in her mind as if it was yesterday. Everything hurt so much. She wished she could scream and shout. Yell at the top of her lungs until there was nothing left, but she'd done that, 1000 days ago when she first found out. She wrapped her arms around her body shivering against the chill that was setting in, she couldn't leave, not yet. She couldn't let this go yet, the pain reminded her of how close her mum was, if kept her alive in her mind. She couldn't bear to let that go and lose her forever.

Word Count

Date Posted
Tuesday 23rd April 2019

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