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Kevin woke up slowly to soft kisses on his neck. He smiled softly, enjoying fangs' presence but not wanting him to stop, so kept his eyes closed happily. When a weight moved away from him, Kevin pouted slightly letting out a small sigh. He heard a door creak open and frowned, opening his eyes to focus on the now closing door. He frowned, sitting up suddenly and looking around at the unfamiliar room. The soft red sheets beneath him feeling out of place. The red, antique room with its hanging drapes and wooden furniture. He stood up quickly, frowning slowly. Something was off. Almost as if he was shorter. He focused on the window, light flitting past the thin red curtains that hung around them. He went to open his mouth but as if he'd forgotten how to function fully for a moment, he couldn't get the words out.

He turned his head focusing on the mirror and frowning even more, rushing over to it suddenly as he put his hand to his cheek. Well not his cheek, it wasn't his reflection. He met the deep brown eyes of Toni Topaz. Running his fingers through her soft pink hair quickly, not understanding what was going on. He opened his mouth again, intending to scream but not being able to form the shrill sound. His breathing increased rapidly as he looked back at the reflection, Toni's soft, tanned skin and rose lips, her delicate features. He shook his head slowly, as if trying to wipe away the image in-front of him. He put his hand against the mirror, but it wasn't his hand that touched the cool, smooth glass, it was Toni's. Toni's small hand with the chipped, pink nail polish and a ring he was pretty sure Cheryl had given her and she never took off. His eyes, her eyes, landed on the rest of her, Cheryl's silk pyjama shorts with Toni's oversized baggy t shirt, that looked so old it belonged in some forgotten charity shop. He couldn't fathom how he ended up in this situation, his thoughts spinning and an immense pain tearing through his skull; that only seemed to be getting worse.

The door creaked open again slowly, Cheryl Blossom appearing in the doorway. No make up to hide behind, he lips tinted red from wearing her iconic lipstick day after day. She smiled warmly, placing the silver tray in her hands down on the bedside table before joining who she thought was her girlfriend in front of the large mirror. She kissed Toni's cheek gently with a soft smile, tracing her fingers along the shorter girls shoulder and down her arm. Toni's small body shivering in response. Kevin frowned, wanting to tell Cheryl he wasn't Toni but he still hasn't figured out how to force the words out.
"TT?" Cheryl questioned softly with a small frown, meeting Toni's brown eyes in the mirror with her own. "You okay?" The red haired girl asked gently, kissing Toni's cheek once more.

Kevin bit his lip gently, pulling away slightly. Cheryl was a friend but that didn't stop his skin crawling at her touch. That didn't stop the hatred at him self for being so close to Toni's girlfriend. He looked at Cheryl meeting her eye, the girl frowned reaching out to cup his cheek. "Toni?" She asked worriedly, gently rubbing the pad of her thumb across Toni's tanned skin. Kevin pulled back quickly, tripping over the chair behind him and hitting the floor, not even able to gasp in pain just open his mouth in a silent groan.

Cheryl jumped back slightly, unable to hide the pain on her face. "Toni what's wrong?" Cheryl asked weakly, her voice cracking a little, she didn't know why Toni was freaking out so much. Kevin looked up at Cheryl, quickly pulling himself up to his feet. He opened his mouth to speak again but huffed in annoyance as no words came out. He glanced around the room worriedly, spotting a purple notepad underneath Toni's camera. Quickly moving over to pick up the book and a pen that was next to it. Flicking through the pages of Toni's maths homework and some writing, which he'd have stopped to read if Cheryl didn't look so hurt and dejected.

He started writing down what he wanted to say, his hand shaky and unfamiliar as he tried to write. He bit his lip gently, realising that was Toni's habit and not his but not having the time to focus on that. He grew even more annoyed as Toni's long hair fell in his face, quickly having to brush it behind his ear again so he could focus on the white, lined page in front of him. He read through the message quickly before hurriedly holding the book out to Cheryl, panic clear in his eyes.

Cheryl frowned, hesitantly reaching out and taking the book, reading through the messy handwriting. "Don't freak. I don't know what's happening but I'm Kevin, not Toni." She read slowly, a frown growing on her face before she looked up at the person opposite her. "Kevin?" She asked slowly, frowning in confusion. He nodded quickly and frantically, opening his mouth to speak again before huffing. Reaching his hand out for the note book. Cheryl handed it over slowly, glancing kevin over carefully, still only seeing her girlfriend. "If this is real. Where's ma Cherie?" She asked bluntly. Kevin shrugged writing down something on the page before handing it back to her, "Your body?" She questioned slowly, before sighing. "I want my girlfriend back, we're going to find her." Cheryl snapped quickly, turning to change before glancing at kevin cautiously. "Put these on and go change in the bathroom." She stated firmly, pointing to the en-suite as she handed him some of Toni's clothes.

Kevin sighed quietly, taking the clothes before walking out of the room and into the bathroom. His eyes landing on the mirror and frowning, turning so his back was to it. He felt weird being in Toni's body and even if she was probably in the same situation right now, he didn't want to be a perv. Once changed into the black, ripped skinny jeans and blue, tie dyed crop top he glanced over his reflection. It was something Toni would wear together he'd give Cheryl that. Kevin nearly jumped out of his skin, or Toni's skin, when Cheryl knocked on the door loudly, "Come on, Kevin." She demanded seriously. He nodded quickly, opening the door and glancing at Cheryl who, in the time it had taken him to get changed, had changed, down her makeup and curled her hair to normal Cheryl Blossom perfection. Cheryl handed him a pair of boots before turning on her heels and leading him downstairs. Kevin shook his head slowly, pulling on the heeled boots before taking a hesitant step. Surprised to find he could walk in them as if they were flats. He glanced around slowly, not sure what they'd even do when they got to Toni.

He sighed, following after the red head quickly and out of thistle house. God she walked fast. Cheryl glanced over her shoulder at Kevin and huffed,
"hurry up, today's our 1 year anniversary and I want my Cha Cha back," Cheryl complained in annoyance, crossing her arms over her chest. Kevin nodded, quickly getting in the passenger side of Cheryl's iconic red, Chevrolet Impala. Cheryl smirking slightly at his hurried movements before getting in the car herself and igniting the engine. Smiling softly as the radio turned on with the station Toni had left it on. She released the break before making her way down the long drive of thistle house, towards her TT and hopefully a way of getting the brilliant mind of Toni Topaz back in the right body.

Word Count

Date Posted
Friday 36th April 2019

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