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"Next!" Someone bellowed and that's when she realized she's next in line. "Sabrina Armstrong, human, female, twenty-nine years old and a would-be breast cancer survivor; hit by a drunk driver while walking." The same voice announced making Sabrina's amber-honey eyes glistening with tears, she would've won if not for the despicable drunkard. "To the realm of fairies, it is." The voice added, sending a sense of panic throughout her body, which should be weird since she's dead.

Her death was so sudden, trying to remember now is like a mere blur. All Sabrina could recall is stepping out of her favorite coffee shop with an untouched cup of cappuccino. She only had enough time to hear 'Look out!' along with the screeching of tyres and the smell of burning rubber before everything went completely dark. The next thing she knew once her eyes fluttered open, a purple moon surrounded by red-ish sky and inky-black clouds that made her shiver in fear.

It's like she had wronged fate at some point for her to end up here, didn't her life mean more while alive? Sabrina wanted to cry and yell her frustration at the universe for turning its back on her. She was a decent enough human, a good girl who stayed out of trouble and always tried to give back to the less fortunate, only to be slapped with the big C.

Trevor, her ex-husband of five years left, sending divorce papers with his signature already signed on the dotted line - it was served on the first day of chemotherapy of all the days. Talk about cruelty, if only I'd listen to Jenny! Sabrina started to chastise herself as she continued to reflect on how utterly boring and plain her life really was.

Jenny Campell is certainly one with a colorful personality and extreme wealth, but she has always been a good friend to her. In fact, she was the only true friend that stuck around with her when she'd received the official diagnostics. She was always brutally honest as well and maybe Sabrina should've just taken a page or three out of her book instead of following the rules.

"To the realm of fairies I said, now, move!" The familiar voice ordered, causing her to squeak in fright.

"You'll do no such thing," another voice interjected. This voice even though raspy, it was soothing to her like a lullaby making her eyes heavy all of a sudden to which she even tried blinking and rubbing the droopiness from her eyes - nothing worked.

Lifting up the sleeping woman, Dominic cradled her careful into his chest, vanishing without another word, leaving behind an astonished Justin.

Once in the comfort of his home, he laid the woman down gently on the couch. Placing his hand on her forehead, he begins to track her entire life up until her untimely demise. She's beautiful, he thought, caressing her face, fascinated by the baldness of her head. She certainly deserves better than becoming a fairy, Dominic ponders to himself.

"Who are you?" Sabrina mumbled barely conscious, the spell he placed on her still in effect.

"Fret not, you'll be back to where you belong in no time," he replied. Putting her back to sleep, Dominic revealed his true appearance. Draped in a black cloak, transforming into his skeleton form. Titling the woman's head upward, he kisses her, sharing his essence with her.

Breathing not only life back inside of Sabrina, he genuinely felt the softness of her lips before sending her back into the human world as she begins to glow then disappearing. Chronos will have his head for this, but he didn't care one bit.

"DOMINIC, YOU STUPID BOY!" Master Superior Huston shouts, breaking down the door of his bedroom as Dominic stare at the fuming man along with the scattered and damaged wood chippings of what remains of his door. "YOU UNGRATEFUL MONGREL, HOW COULD YOU BETRAY US LIKE THAT!" Huston continued to raise his voice if that was possible.

"Get on with it then," Dominic snapped, tired of Huston's pointless shouting. But his could-care less reaction to the situation at hand only angered the Master Superior Reaper.

"Bring him to the dungeon!" He ordered, a muscular-ish Grim Reaper stepping into the bedroom, holding onto Dominic's forearm rather tightly.

Dominic couldn't help but cackle at the irony of a Grim Reaper holding onto him. Even though he'd only held the Grand Supreme title for a few hours, his previous status was higher than a measly Grim Reaper - the lowest of them all. Their sole purpose is to severe the soul from the dying body and send it here.

"You'll laugh about nothing once I'm through with you boy, in the name of our father Chronos," Huston gloated. But Dominic knew just how much Huston didn't favor him.


Dominic couldn't tell what day it is, much less the time since neither exists in Para - the realm of nothingness. He knew Huston wanted him to beg for forgiveness, along with mercy, but that's something he'd wait forever to hear since Dominic didn't regret his decision, not even once. The woman, who he saved and the name he didn't know, deserves a second chance of life after all she's been through and endured.

"Dinner time, my loves." Huston singsong, calling his vultures to come and pick on Dominic's human form. Like clockwork the three big birds land on the gigantic boulder he's strapped to and begin to feed. This has been happening since he was dragged here, Huston would call his pets to feed on him until he was back into skeleton form only to repeat the process over and over each time his flesh grew back in place.

"Enough of that Huston, call off your despicable pets," the voice belonging to his former boss commands.

"How dare you interfere, Brutus, he betrayed us all!" Huston complained, outraged by his friend blind love for the traitor.

"It doesn't matter, he was never really like us to begin with, regardless of how good at his job he is," Brutus replied shocking Dominic a little with his declaration.

Beforehand, a faint chanting echoed throughout the empty land, only for Dominic to dematerialize right before their eyes for a split second. Once he returned, the person standing beside him all doe-eyed, made the two powerful beings anxious at the repercussions they both would have to face if their father Chronos ever came to know that a mortal not only summoned a Reaper; but said mortal is the one who was given a second opportunity to live.

Which is forbidden.


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