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Yet another dead end, Sabrina thought, banging the Mythical Creatures book against the polished wooden table. The action causing the slender librarian to shush her along with a pointed look beneath her thick-rimmed glasses. 

Ever since Sabrina's miraculous recovery almost a year ago, it's been an obsession to find the logical conclusion as to her current healthy state. 

It was only a year ago she was just skin and bones, didn't have any hair and could barely breathe on her own. But ever since the encounter with the handsome man, or thing, whatever happened — he made her healthy. She now has a radiating caramel skin tone and snow-white hair compared to her pale and faded brunette hair she once had. She doesn't remember much, the only thing her mind always managed to conjure up the image of a skeleton that had a smokish air coming out of its mouth and black cloak. 

I'm so stupid! Sabrina chastises herself, quickly going to the R section of the library, grabbing the Reapers book; which proved to be quite heavy. In Greek mythology, Chronos, called Father Time, was the king of the titans and the father of Zeus. Cronus was a harvest god and carried a sickle, which is a tool used in harvesting grain. The Grim Reaper carrying a scythe is derived from a combination of Chronus and Cronus — the first chapter read. But that can't be true since the one she meant had no scythe or looked that grimm, in fact, his presence was hopeful.

Skimming through the pages rather carefully, she gasps in surprise that she's not crazy after all. No one believed her story about meeting the strange man. The doctors officially diagnosing stress, delusion, and shock. They even went as far as locking her up in a mental asylum for two full months if not for Jenny's influence with the board, but she was indeed right! 

Staring at her is the same guy she had briefly seen, even though she'd only glimpsed his human face for a mere second give or take, she can never forget the comfort his brownish eyes gave her. The same eyes now peering back at her through the pages.

Just her luck, at the bottom of the page, laid a supposed incantation to summon a Reaper into the land of the living. In all her years of existence, Sabrina knew only one thing, constant pain. And this man is the only person who ever made her feel truly alive for a moment and she'd give up anything to experience it for the rest of her life.

Stealing is wrong, Sabrina knew that, but this is an emergency she justified herself as she stuffs the book into her knapsack and quickly left the building she has been coming to since childhood. "Awoh," she mumbled after colliding with something in her rush to get outside.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention!" A familiar voice exclaimed, apologizing profoundly causing her to peer up quickly at the person. "SSabrina?" He stuttered, with eyes wide as saucers. 


"I hope you rot in hell!" Sabrina yelled panting hard, slapping Trevor required all the strength, loathe, and hurt she could muster.

Shocked, and startled, Trevor watched helplessly as Sabrina jumped into the next available cab she immediately saw without sparing him a glance. She's different, he thought to himself as a groan left his lips due to the throbbing pain assaulting his cheek.


As the taxi pass numerous buildings, Sabrina almost forgot her stop since she didn't provide the driver with an exact address. "Around that block up ahead, kind sir," she said finally uttering a word since blindly getting inside the cab. With only a nod of understanding from the rear mirror, he pulled up in front of her apartment complex a minute later.

Paying the required fare, bustling out of the vehicle, hurrying inside the building. Opening her apartment door, tugging off her jacket, she rips her knapsack wide open to retrieve the book to read and study more about the creatures — she couldn't shake the feeling that something's wrong with the being that saved her life.

Funny, her encounter with Trevor added more kerosene oil to her determination. She has never been so strongly protective or has such an intense urge for someone else.


“You're crazy!” Jenny, Sabrina's best friend screamed a day along with six cups of coffee later, pacing the marble floor of the living room, repulsed at the fact that her dearest friend intends to chant words in order to save some being who might not even be real. 

Doing that course in Latin is surely paying off right now, Sabrina thought to herself. “I might be crazy Jenny, but I need to find him. He gave me a second chance and it's him I want to share my miracle with.” She calmly replied to her pacing and anxious friend before chanting the words she had scribbled down — not wasting any more time to explain the intense bond she feels towards the man or being, whichever didn't matter.

As luck would have it, the one she has been dreaming about appeared after reciting the words again. “No!” He yelled, but it was too late, they both vanished together making Jenny faint from the realism of what she just witnessed.

“Well, if it isn't the human,” a chubby man sneers looking down at Sabrina even though somehow she could sense a little fear radiating off him along with another man. Observing her surroundings carefully, she sees the man in her memories chained by his ankles and hands to a gigantic stone, the biggest she has ever seen in her life. 

“Ah, that's all your fault. He should've never interfered with your faith, therefore he was stripped of his powers. Such a waste of good talent,” the other man said pointing his finger at her along with a sigh of disappointment, glancing at Dominic for a second.

“Listen here mister, I will not allow you to take him away from me!” Sabrina yelled for the second time in her life, also wagging her finger at the man with a furious glare.

“How dare you!” The first man who had spoken first shouts, his voice laced authority but she wasn't scared of him. 

Suddenly remembering something, Sabrina picked up a small pebble off the ground, its edge sharp enough to draw blood. “The rule is a soul for a soul, my soul for his life in the human world!” She informs the three men, which includes her own man who looks at her wide-eyed. 

“Young lady, do you truly know what he, we are?” Sabrina's directly asked.

“Yes, you're all Reapers. But he was once a person and I want to exchange my soul for his life, right now.” She ordered looking the men in their cold, dead eyes.

“Very well, you are indeed a brave one, there's not many like you who would dare defy our rules and way of nature. You've got yourself a deal.” A different and much deeper voice says and that's the only thing both Sabrina and Dominic heard before everything turned dark.


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