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Typing the final draft details of the extended two-year contract for his employees, Dominic hit print just before shutting down the computer system. Gazing at his wristwatch, he realizes that dinner will be in thirty minutes, just enough time for him to lock up and buy a bouquet at Sanadea's Flower Shop on the way home. How domestic he had become, Dominic thought to himself with a wide smile as he gathered the printed papers; securing them in his briefcase.

"Have a good evening sir!" Thomas, his receptionist says, huddling inside the passenger seat of his lovely wife's car, to which Dominic just waved still smiling as he got inside his own vehicle. Thomas has been a very loyal and committed individual, he has never done anything unforgivable since becoming apart of the company two years ago, and always on time.

Dominic had existed for thousands of years, yet he hasn't been truly living until the last five years. The first year living amongst the humans was very hard for both of them. It was a huge task for him to accept his new reality of being a mortal, while it was an adjustment for Sabrina — living without a soul and all. 

The second-year got better for the couple, they moved to a small town far from the city, but still close enough to Jenny; she's family after all and the only one who knew of the couple's true togetherness. Dominic opened his own little security business, Sabrina being his partner through it all until two years ago.

Parking outside of Sanadea, Dominic didn't have to get out of the car since the owner herself waltz through her door, handing him a bouquet of long-stemmed white Lily flowers; Sabrina's favorite flower. "It's on the house, say hi to them for me," Sanadea said with a lopsided grin which includes a wink making Dominic chuckle a little; driving off.

Pulling into the driveway, Dominic exit the car as fine-loose gravel crunched under his shoes. Fishing out his keys, he's barely inside the moderate two-storey rustic house before getting tackled by a smaller and softer body physique compared to his much larger and muscular frame. "My love you're home, you were thoroughly missed," his wife grumbled, embracing him even tighter.

"Hmmm, what did you do that requires my attention?" Dominic asks with a knowing smirk as Sabrina fold her arms across the chest, bottom lip sticking out into a pout.

"The basement pipe connected to the washing machine was leaking a little bit, so I tried to fix it myself and it burst instead, trying to drown me!" His wife replied making Dominic rolled his eyes at her explanation, not a bit surprised that she would, in fact, cause a flood within their house. Sabrina had a thing for getting herself into unnecessary trouble even over the simplest of things.

"Let me get my toolbox," Dominic retorts shaking his head, taking off his jacket and rolling up his shirt sleeves.

"Ummm, it's already down there," Sabrina answered sheepishly, this time, Dominic did bark out a hearty laughter. "You're mean!" She yelled after her laughing husband who made his way down the stairs through the kitchen, towards the basement.

It took Dominic a full two hours to fix the leakage, reconnect the water, and clean up the soapy mess the washing machine made. By the time he was finished, Dominic was soaking wet and hungry. Replacing the toolbox back in place, he quickly heads upstairs for a hot shower. 

Even though he was more than late for dinner now, the flowers he brought home didn't go unnoticed in the crystal vase full of water once he stepped inside the kitchen to find his portion of food along with a sticky note. Movies with us once you've done eating my love. It read with Sabrina's beautiful and elegant penmanship. 


Her contagious laughter made Dominic grin along in glee as she watched the television, but he wasn't paying attention. All his focus directed at the beautiful art laying down beside him in comfort of the couch, her reactions filling him up with joy — a feeling he hadn't felt in years.

"Sabrina," he says gaining his wife's attention. "What made you propose the deal that day?" He asked it had always bothered him a bit.

Climbing into his muscular lap, her minty breath fanned against his warm skin. "Because, even a Reaper deserved a chance of living," she replied. 

"I love you," he declared kissing her sweetly. 

"I love you too Dominic," she replied with a giggle returning back to the comedy on the screen until a much smaller giggle joined in.

"Dada!" The voice demanded attention as the couple peered down at their fifteen-month-old daughter, Lysandra Cooper, the exact copy of her father, warm brownish eyes, with a full mop of jet-black hair, but has the spirit and heart like her mother.

"Lacey-bear, you're all chocolatey and sticky," Dominic exclaims grabbing up the toddler, dashing her up and down in the air as she squeals and giggles."It's way past your bedtime honey, let's get you cleaned up," he tells the small human.

"You go ahead, I'll tidy up down here," Sabrina says interrupting the father-daughter duo. Dominic only nods to his wife, carefully carrying off their daughter for her bath time.

Dominic wasn't the only one who was happy and grateful in the marriage. The last five years has been the best life Sabrina knew, she has an amazing husband who never failed to shower her with love along with affection, and a beautiful little girl that makes her days both extremely entertaining and challenging. 

Sabrina never thought she and Dominic would be able to live such a blissful life after they were granted that deal by Cronos himself. To be honest, what she did was risky and a little selfish. But what's the meaning of living if you're not willing to take a risk and it was one she'd do repeatedly. 

Lysandra was a gift granted by Psykhe, the goddess of the soul and the wife of Eros, the god of love. She had heard of Sabrina's bravery along with Dominic's act against the rules and was inspired to help them.

Psykhe understood forbidden love and disobeying the rules for the ones you care for. After a year of watching the couple trying their very best to adjust to their new life together, she offered them a deal where only one person would get back their soul. Sabrina in return requested Dominic to which Psykhe was more than impressed and shocked, the bond between the two was more than worth the fight. She did something greater by splitting Dominic's courageous and strong-willed soul, sharing it equally between the two.

The Cooper's are literally half of each other, and once that happened, everything else fell into place for the couple. They got married, started a booming business, and produced a child within their unity. To think all this happiness came from a simple kiss, but it just wasn't any kiss.

It was the kiss of a Reaper.


We have come to the end of Sabrina and Dominic Story. Vote, share, and comment your thoughts. Thank you for reading.


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