Chapter 13: The Rose's Thorns

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Early Morning Beacon Academy's Cafeteria

Ruby's PoV

We were all in the cafeteria enjoying breakfast and talking about the dance. I then noticed that Y/n wasn't here with us.

Ruby: Anyone seen Y/n?

Blake: It is strange. He doesn't usually miss breakfast.

Ruby: I wonder where he is.

Yang: Now that I think of it he hasn't been seen since he left for Ozpin's office.

Ruby: You don't think he's in trouble do you.

Weiss: Relax Ruby.

Before I could continue on, one of the holographic screens turned on.

Lisa: Good Morning Vale. I'm Lisa Valentine. Today's top story, crime was dealt a major blow today as the group know as the Stacked Deck have been dismantled.

Everyone was left in shock. The Stacked Deck was know to be one of the top crime organizations in Vale.

Lisa: Police were called to the scene only to find a Silver Rose left behind.
Police also found a tape with what is to believe to be the man's voice.

Y/n: The simple rose. Even in it's beauty, people forget that it has its thorns. I'm not to be feared by the people of these kingdom, only the criminals who hide within it. To the people of Vale. I'm your savior. I'm your protector in the night. I fight to protect the people of Vale whether human or faunus. To any criminal out there, your time has come. I will find you.I show no mercy to people who have threatened the lifes of the innocent. Who am I? I'm the Silver Rose.

Lisa: Are his words true? Is this someone the people should look up to? Are we, the innocent, safe from him? Only time well tell. This has been your early morning news with Lisa Valentine.

Suddenly Ozpin's voice is heard over the intercom asking every student into the auditorium.

Ozpin: As all of you are aware, there a new person of interest in Vale. He is incredibly dangerous whipping out an entire criminal organization in one night. I'm putting an open mission to any team, if you see him, try to apprehend him, but you will be risking your lives to do so.  Do not try and stop him.

Y/n PoV

After Ozpin has finished his speech he returns to his office. You're sitting in a chair at his desk, while Ironwood is staring out the window. Soon a ding is heard as Ozpin enters his office.

Y/n: So you released the dogs? Well then things have just got interesting.

Ozpin: Well, if I didn't it would of cause so serious problems with the school. Also did you have to call everyone dogs?

Y/n: What it's a metaphor. So what did you think of the message?

Ozpin: Could of been better. At least the people see you as a vigilante and not a serial killer. We all know what would of happen if you didn't record that message.

Y/n: So, whose next on the list?

Ironwood: Roman Torchwick. Bring him in.

Y/n: Going for the big fish now. A little risky. So if I fail this, you can't blame me if someone gets in the way. Now if you excuse me, I better be off for class.

You then head off to off to class.

Ozpin: So those twins you found?

Ironwood: What about them?

Ozpin: Keep them near. We may of found someone to take them if he starts to lose his mine.


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