We Met at The Met

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Shoving her hands into the pockets of the rough coat, Titania continued her journey down the road. Its a chilly morning.

Growing up she had known how hard life can be, in her 19 years of existence. Struggling to keep her paralyzed father as comfortable as she can, when her mother left them, she never got time to sharpen her dancing skills. She was a born-dancer but lack of money has decreased her opportunities.

She stopped infront of the METph (Metropolitan police headquarters). Entering the building, she asked the receptionist about the interview of the new recruits for desk jobs.

Reaching the waiting hall, she sat down. The hall was buzzing with candidates.

She was called soon inside the office for her turn. Taking a seat she looked at the young interviewer. He had a rimless spectacle on his nose and sharp eyes. Handing him over her CV she kept quite and didn't try much to convince him.

Titania was having mixed feelings about the job; she needed the money the job can bring, but in exchange of her dream.

Ezra, the interviewer noticed her apathetic behaviour and asked about what was bothering her. She tried to shrug it off. She didnt want to discuss about her problems with a stranger but when he insisted, she complied.

Titania told Ezra, how she was a talented born-dancer but due to lack of money she never got any professional help. She wanted to participate in a National Level Dance Competition but she doesnt have the entry fee - 3 Lakhs.

But she needed this job too. She didnt want to abandon her father, like her mother did.

Ezra heard everything with undivided concentration. After she finished talking he told her that life goes on like this. Everyday millions have to sacrifice their dream for betterment.

Titania sighed. She filled up the form which contained her personal data, bank account details etc and left.

Next morning she woke up from a buzzing from her phone. Upon checking the message, she saw that 2 Million was credited in her account.

She woke up with a jerk and called the bank to enquire about the money where she was told that the money was transfered from an anonymous account.

When she called at The MET to enquire about the job, she was told that no form was submitted by her name. This stunned her to the core.


2 years passed in a blur.

Titania is shown performing in an International Dance Show. She has become a professional dancer now.

Ezra leaves the auditorium silently, with a small smile and watching a photo of her sister in his wallet. Closing his eye, he remembered the moment where his sister, Isadora committed suicide infront of him because their father forced her to quit her dance career, and join the Police Department.

He opened his eyes. With a small smile on his lips, he walked out of the auditorium with a hearty satisfaction.


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