chapter i. the king of night

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THE FIELD OF FIRE WAS AS magnificent as it was harrowing, Lady Daenora Blackmount decided.

From every angle, screams filled the air and fire was breathed upon the Lannister and Gardener combined forces.

55,000 men, there had been, now there was less than half of that. Those who hadn't been roasted alive within their armour had most likely suffered horrendous burns that would more than likely lead to their deaths; her brother's dragon, Arrax, being responsible for the most death.

Thinking of her older brother, Haeron, brought a surge of worry to her chest; he had insisted upon fighting rather than flying Arrax (whom, even without his rider, followed Haeron's commands).

"It's more fun," he had explained to Daenora with a smirk when she had questioned his motives.

She, too, loved fighting upon the ground, though not quite as much when it is 11,000 against 55,000.

She was courageous, but not stupid.

"Dracarys," Daenora told her dragon, Tyraxes, the fiercest and largest of all living dragons, and her dragon obeyed; orange and red firing out of her mouth and onto a group of archers, whose screams followed her as she ascended back into the air.

The only daughter of House Blackmount whirled around when she heard a slight shout of pain to her right, and saw Visenya holding her shoulder; an arrow straight through it.

Enraged at her close friend's injury, Daenora went to fire upon yet another group of hundreds of archers, and Visenya flew with her.

Throughout her childhood, Daenora had been raised seeing the children of House Targaryen and House Velaryon commonly, and became closest with both Visenya and Rhaenys.

However, her two friends despised one another; never realising the factor that it was nothing more than petty jealousy.

Visenya longed to be loved and adored as Rhaenys was by Aegon, and Rhaenys wished to be as fierce and skilled as Visenya in battle.

"Take out the back lines," Visenya yelled to her in High Valyrian, clearly ignoring her injury, "I'll go to the Cavalry that hasn't yet charged."

Daenora gave the eldest Targaryen a nod, and told Tyraxes of the orders. Her dragon let out a mighty roar that shook the earth beneath the soldiers, causing many to fall over, before turning towards the black lines, where they obliterated the foe.

It wasn't long before the battle was over, and the field was filled with nothing but the few thousand survivors, burned and bloodied corpses, and grass that was scorched.

Each of the Targaryens and Blackmounts and their dragons dropped onto the field, a smirking Haeron waltzing towards them with his crimson coated sword, eyes filling with concern at the sight of the injured Visenya, who swiftly brushed him off.

Aegon, with Rhaenys at his side (the latter of whom offered Daenora a swift, small smile), approached the defeated soldiers.

From upon Balerion and Meraxes respectively, all the army could see them clearly.

"This is your time to surrender," Aegon told the survivors, "no more fire and blood needs to be shed today. Come forth, Loren Lannister."

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