The Legacy

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I came to a stop in front of a headstone. I was in the old part of the city's cemetery. The name Riley Breen was etched in. It was overgrown with moss and vines.

I felt a little creeped out seeing my name on it and fought the urge to leave or wake up. But this time I wasn't dreaming. It was daylight and I was in my own time.

I knew there must be a reason for my being here. Did I die ? Even asking made me shiver.

"It looks like it needs a little trimming don't you think?" I heard someone say.

Looking across the way I saw a young female groundskeeper leaning on a rake with s hand shovel in her back pocket.

I must be alive. Someone just spoke to me.

"Yes it does. Looks like it's been neglected for some time."

"There used to be an old man and his wife who would come out here and take care of it but I haven't seen them for about three years now. Must have passed away or moved. It happens all the time."

Through the moss I could make out writing further down.

I got down on my hands and knees to get a closer look.

"Could I borrow your tools for just a minute? I need to see what's inscribed on the stone."

"Do you know this person?"

"I think I do."

With a few swipes I was able to cut the vines loose and then clear the area enough to read. Brushing off the dirt I exposed the words:
Riley Breen
Sargeant Union Army
Beloved husband and father

I waited. Hoping to hear something or have some of his memories come back to me from his past.

It was a good 10 minutes later and I knew there was nothing coming. Was it all over? In a sense things were now normal again but sadly I felt like I'd lost something precious, a connection I should have taken advantage of.

I raked the grave off and returned the garden tools back to the groundskeeper who had gone on to begin work on a different row.

I saw her name tag. It read Josie Summers.

"Thanks for letting me borrow your tools uh... Josie. I like your name by the way."

"Oh no problem. I'm named after my great grandmother it's actually Josephine. I never met her. At least not physically."

I smiled and began to walk away, but then, I stopped.

Turning around I asked,"Excuse me, Did I hear right? Did you say you never met her physically?"

"Yes, It's hard to explain but I have these strangely realistic-"

"Dreams?" I asked.

"Yes as a matter of fact."

"And your living her life in the 1800's right?"

"Well... Yes. How did you know that? I never told anyone about my dreams before-"

"Because I been having the same experience with my great grandfather who I'm named after. Well at least until now."

"Was your great grandfather named Riley Breen?"

"Yes! And so am I."

"I'm glad to meet you Riley. I know all about your great grandfather from some of my dreams." she replied extending her hand.

I was more than a little excited as we shook hands warmly. I looked at her eyes and saw they were the same green eyes I'd seen from Josephine.

"I suspect I know a little about your ancestor as well. This can't be just coincidence. Do you have time for a cup of coffee? We should compare notes."

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