Chapter eight: Bake sale and goodbye

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"Okay parents! Thank you all for coming and participating in this bake sale! Really means alot!"

Jungkook, Yoongi, and the kids are now at the bake sale as the announce lady kept shouting 'encouraging' words to the parents and children the family set their table or 'booth' up. "Jiyoon give me those Ribbons would you sweetie?" Jungkook asked as Jiyoon immediately nodded getting the ribbons and giving them to Jungkook "Thank you!"

Yoongi in the other hand was playing with Jihoon and also helping set up everything "Need anything else babe?" Yoongi asked as Jungkook shook his head "No thank you love" he blushed as they both smiled sweetly and Jungkook continued to set the table up. "Okay! All done!" Jungkook said happily as he looked at his nicely decorated table (would've added a pic buutttt everyone has different opinions so just imagine a SUPER nice table please lmaoo) Yoongi smiled and wrapped his arm around Jungkook's waist pulling him close "Looks amazing!" He complimented as Jungkook smiled looking up at him "You think so?" He asked forming a small pout as he slowly wrapped his arms around Yoongi's neck. Yoongj smiled "I know so" he said leaning down and pecking Jungkook's lips over and over "I love you" Jungkook just blushed and smiles widely "We should get the cupcakes..." he whispered as Yoongi nodded and pulled back going to their car.

Jungkook knew Yoongi didn't love him. Because Jungkook is in Jimin's body and not his own. How could he love him? He just fell for Jimin again basically. He did feel love towards Yoongi but he didn't wanted to say it. He knew he had to go back to his own body some day.

"Here you go!" Yoongi said softly putting the cupcakes on their table. "Thank you!" Jungkook cooed and kissed Yoongi's cheek. "Alright let me set them up!" He said happily and started setting them up as nice as possible making them all look really 'fancy' for the parents and kids.

Time skip

After a while Jungkook had made about 100 cupcakes and now he only has 10. His cupcakes were basically the best that anyone has tasted. He was so proud seeing how Jihoon and Jiyoon gave the cupcakes to some more people who wanted to try Jungkook's delicious cupcakes. "Woah! Your cupcakes are a huge hit babe!" Yoongi said shocked by how fast those cupcakes vanished in no time. "I know! I didn't know they were so famous!" He chuckled as Yoongi stared at him lovingly. "One please" he heard a familiar voice and looked up seeing himself (well Jimin) getting a cupcake. "Thank you" he said smiling softly at Jihoon who smiled back and nodded "Of cwourse!" Jihoon said happily "Eomma! They are all gone now!" Jungkook stood there staring at Jimin who stared back sadly. "I-I see that honey!" Jungkook looked down at Jihoon and smiled ruffling his hair "You two did amazing giving them out! Why don't you help Appa clean up okay! Eomma has to go somewhere" he said softly as they both nodded.

While Jungkook was talking to the kids Yoongi stared at Jimin. Jimin smiled sadly at him but Yoongi just looked away making Jimin tear up a bit.

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook said angrily at Jimin as they both walked beside the building to talk alone. "I miss them...I miss my family Jungkook" Jimin said sobbing as Jungkook sighed and bit his lip a bit "Okay okay stop crying...." Jimin sniffled and looked at Jungkook. "It's not like I took them away....I'll try go back to my body and you to yours okay?" Jimin sniffled and nodded as Jungkook smiled sadly. Suddenly they heard someone clear their throat "So you two want to switch back?" The man that Jungkook saw was standing right next to them with his hands in his pockets " tomorrow Jimin can wake up back to his family" Jungkook said his heard clenching with every word. The man noticed but didn't say anything, he just nodded "alright..I guess I should let you to live your original lives! Tomorrow you two will wake up in your own bodies. Jimin..Jungkook, I wish you two luck" he said before leaving. Jungkook sighed and looked down briefly before looking up at Jimin. "So tonight" he said softly as Jimin smiled nodding "Thank you" he said softly "I'll appreciate my kids and Yoongi more than how I should have!" Jungkook's heart broke. Yoongi..

After their conversation Jungkook sadly walked back to his booth table and saw Jihoon and Jiyoon playing around " okay?" Yoongi asked going to Jungkook and cupping his cheeks "Y-Yeah! I'm fine" he whispered and smiled. The smile hid alot of pain and sorrow but he wasn't going to show that.

On their drive home, Jungkook sang 'we don't talk anymore' by Charlie Puth with the kids and Yoongi. He smiled widely enjoying this moment and keeping it save close to his heart.
"Alright! You two go change into your pjs and brush your teeth for bed! I'll check up on you two to see if you two are actually in bed!" Jungkook said crouched down to their levels. "Okay Eomma! I love you!" They both said at the same time. Jungkook smiled sadly "I love you both more...kiss for eomma?" He said softly as the two pecked his cheek and lips waving and running to their rooms to go to bed. Jungkook sighed sadly and slowly walked to his and Yoongi's room. He smiled seeing Yoongi already asleep in bed. He closed their door and put on his pajamas laying next to Yoongi and covering himself with the warm covers.

He stared at Yoongi and started crying, upon hearing those cries Yoongi opened his eyes and pulled Jungkook closely "Baby..." he said sadly as Jungkook sobbed hiding his face in Yoongi's chest "I-I love you! I love you so much please.." he sobbed as Yoongi frowned holding him closer "I love you more baby...please don't cry. I'll always be here for you" that made Jungkook sob even more as he held onto Yoongi tightly "I don't want to leave...I don't want to" Jungkook sobbed making Yoongi hold him as tight as he could "Baby! I already said I'll find you...I'll find you.." he whispered as Jungkook looked up at him "Pr-Promise?" He sniffled as Yoongi nodded "I'll find you.." he whispered and kissed Jungkook's lips sweetly.

After awhile of comforting and cuddling Jungkook traced Yoongi's jaw with his finger and lips looking at him lovingly and sadly. "Goodbye Yoongi...I love you" he whispered and closed his eyes.

That was it..Jungkook woke up the next day in his old fancy apartment hugging his pillow. He looked around and teared up hiding his face in his pillow and letting out heart clenching cries.
He was back to his old life.


This isnt the end!! I'm not that mean LMAO! HAVE A GOOD Morning/day/evening/night!!

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