Chapter eighteen: Pancakes

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In the morning Jungkook woke up to his fiancé gone. He pouted and tiredly got out of bed going downstairs where he heard giggles and small laughter. He instantly smiled seeing the two boys decorating pancakes with their dad. "Morning.." Jungkook mumbled sleepily as Jihoon and Jiyoon ran to him "Daddy Kookie!" Jungkook chuckled and hugged them tightly "Morning babies" he cooed and kissed each of their heads "Are you having fun?" He asked as the two boys nodded giggling. "Good" he chuckled and let the boys run back to finish decorating, Jungkook walked to Yoongi and pecked his cheek as Yoongi gripped Jungkook's small waist "Morning kitty" He mumbled and gave Jungkook a eskimo kiss. Jungkook giggled as he hugged Yoongi tightly "Morning Yoongles~ already made pancakes without me?" He pouted as Yoongi chuckled "You were asleep so soundly baby, I didn't want to wake you or our angel" He cooed as Jungkook smiled widely, he couldn't believe that this man is really his fiancé. "You're too sweet baby" Jungkook said softly and hugged Yoongi "I love you" he whispered as Yoongi smiled widely and hugged back tightly "I love you more baby, now come on" he pulled back and gave Jungkook a plate with a perfectly cooked pancake.

After awhile of decorating his pancake he ate it with the boys and Yoongi. During this time Jungkook's heart felt warm and butterflies flew in his tummy as he was super happy that he finally had a family wether it was blood or not he loves Jiyoon and Jihoon as his own. "Want to watch a movie?!" Jungkook said excited to the boys who nodded and ran to the living room. Jungkook chuckled as Yoongi snaked his arms around Jungkook's waist "Go watch it with them baby, I'll clean up here" he said softly and gave Jungkook's neck soft kisses. Jungkook blushed and nodded "Okay" he went along and sat between Jiyoon and Jihoon.

"Daddy kookie?" Jiyoon said as Jungkook looked at him "Do you really love my papa?" Jungkook smiled and nodded "Yes. I love him with everything in me...just like my love for you two" he cooed and hugged Jiyoon and Jihoon. The boys smiled widely and looked up at Jungkook "My papa really loves you daddy Kookie, he loves you more than my dad" he said as Jungkook smiled sadly "Your papa will always love your dad, no matter who he's with..I know that for a fact." He said as the boys both looked at him. "Really? How come papa and dad aren't together?" It honestly broke Jungkook's heart but he understood "Things just don't work out sometimes babies" he said softly and smiled sadly as the two boys just nodded and hugged Jungkook "We love you daddy Kookie" they both said making Jungkook's heart jump of happiness. He held onto them tightly closing his eyes. He truly loves them so much.

Hellooooo, a quick short chapter for you!💞💞

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