Part 2✨

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Mara's P.O.V

'So, what's first on the list for my royal agenda today'? I asked as the boys carried my suitcases into my family palace in Melbourne and my Royal Assistant followed shortly behind them.

'First you have a meeting with the Mayor of Melbourne, Sally Capp. She wishes to sit down for some 'Afternoon Tea' with you and talk about the renovation plans your Father agreed too for Hume to make it more of a safe town. Don't worry, we have written out some note cards for you to memorise before the meeting' my assistant Sophia replied, passing me a huge list of cards.

'And, just a quick question Sophia, how long do I have to memorise these'? I asked, flicking through the massive pile.

'Well, its 1:09pm now, and the meeting is at 2:30. So, just over an hour' she replied, acting as though this wasn't a massive ask of me to memorise everything written on over 100 cards in less than 2 hours.

'Well, that's just brilliant' I muttered under my breath.

'You can leave now, Sophia' I snapped as she stood there, just staring at me for what felt like a decade.

'Yes, of course Princess. But you must understand that this is a very important meeting and you do-' I cut her off quickly.

'Sophia, you can leave, now' I repeated, but this time in a more stern tone.

She looked at the boys before bowing and exiting the room.

'What'? I snapped, noticing the boys were just stood there.

'Oh, sorry Ma'am. We'll leave you to study' one of them replied, but, I stopped them before walking out the door.

'Oh please, you can not really think I'm gonna to waste my time reading these' I laughed, throwing them in the air and watching them land all across the room.

'But Sophia said-'.

'Sophia said I should, not that I must. And to me, that sounds like a choice, not an order'.

'You' I spoke, pointing at the one who introduced themselves earlier as Luke.

He looked at the others before walking closer, but stopped within a restricted distance.

'I don't bite' I laughed, and with hesitation he walked closer.

'Why are you here'?

'You're Father hired us, Ma'am', he stood there with a stern look on his face, his arms crossed behind his back.

'Do you enjoy it'? I asked, standing up of the bed and rubbing the creases out of his shoulder.

'It's our job, Ma'am' he replied, still not moving.

'That's not what I asked, was it?'

'No Ma'am'.

I looked at the others who all stood the same as he did, 'I'm bored. You're excused' I spoke over Luke's shoulder, but, as he turned to walk away, I pulled him back.

'I said they were excused. Not that you were. Come, sit' I invited him by tapping the side of the bed.

At first he hesitated before walking over and taking a seat, 'why do you do something that you clearly don't like'? I asked, referring to his job.

'I could say the same to you' he replied, and I soon noticed that when the others weren't there, he let his guard down.

'I beg your pardon'?

'Well, its obvious you don't want to be here. Otherwise you'd be studying the cards and preparing for your meetings. It just seems as though you don't care for the title you have'.

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