Tears of joy

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It had been confirmed.

Across the country, men, women and children have returned from the dead. What can only be described as a miracle, and in no particular order or pattern, people were waking up and going to find love ones. It was like everyone had been sleeping and at the same time chosen to wake up. People from different generations, countries and backgrounds were back and not even the smartest person could tell you why!

Meanwhile, in the broken ruin of Hogwarts, tears of joy and laughter were spread amongst everyone. For not only the dead from the battle had returned. But love ones who had died in the process walked through the doors. But not just that, by some power beyond them all.... Harry's parents had returned to him. The reuniting was unique and special. For Harry Potter now stood, facing his parents, hand in hand with Ginny Weasley, introducing her has his girlfriend!

The thing that saw most people confused at this moment, was not how they returned but WHO had returned. See when people random walk through the door after being dead for over one hundred years you're gonna be a bit confused. From everyone returning today, no one could deny the most emotional and heart wrenching reunion was that of Aberforth Dumbledore and his family. Through the shock and tears of everyone, all stoped and turned to see this event. Who everyone could only presume was Ariana Dumbledore, they saw her run to through the crowd into her bothers arms. That which a sick child would never do nor however would an abused child. This was strange. Not only had they seen the happiness of Ariana when hugged by her brother, the same reaction was exhibited throughout the family. No one looked scared, or controlling. No one looked upset or angry. They were just like a normal happy family, the only thing missing was Albus Dumbledore...

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