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This chapter is dedicated to all the victims of bullying and the bystanders.

"When someone puts you down and treats you badly, just remember there is something wrong with them, not you. Decent people will not go around destroying other human beings because they will respect others feelings." - Internet

Bullying is a serious crime which can take place any time. It can happen at nursery, school, workplace, cyberspace, and even in your own house. I believe that everyone in this world has at least experienced some sort of bullying, even a minor one. None of us are actually safe from bullying. We can get bullied anytime at any place because we have no control over others actions. But, we can avoid getting bullied if we act sensibly.

At nursery

I am pretty sure that children who go to nursery don't read this book so I will be writing this part to their parents.

Dear parents, you might be busy with your work or you might not. But no matter what kind of priorities you have or how much priorities you have, children should be your first priority. And the second. And the third.

Send your child to a nursery where you could easily contact the teacher-in-charge of your child. If you are a busy parent, I bet you have a baby-sitter or someone to pick up your child from nursery and to look after them. But no matter how busy you are, you MUST contact the teacher-in-charge at least once a week and ask about the progress of your child. Maybe you'll be bothering the teacher by doing this. So what? NOTHING is more important than your child so you shouldn't care about the teacher's feelings.

If you make contact with the teacher regularly, the teacher will report you everything happening around your child. But most importantly, you should let your child KNOW that you are making contact with his teacher regularly. That way, he will try to stay out of trouble such as bullying other kids. Yes, there is a small chance that your child might become a bully at an early age if you don't look after him properly.

Children misbehave sometimes. It's completely normal. But they don't want their parents to know that they misbehaved because they are scared what might happen to them if their parents know. So if you want to prevent your child from being a bully at an early age, make contact with his teacher regularly.

By chance, if you get to know that your child has bullied another child, advice him strongly not to do it. As your child is not mature enough to understand the feelings of others, you must do your best to teach him what bullying is and convince him that bullying is a bad and a wrong thing to do. Most importantly, you should dedicate some of your time for your child DAILY.

Just like you are asking the teacher about your child's progress, ask your child the same thing daily. Ask him how his day went. He might say things the teacher had no idea about. There is a chance that he might tell you if someone is bullying him because he knows that he can rely on you, as you are paying close attention to his life. This way, you can prevent your child from getting bullied.

At school

Once you get started bullying, the quickest way to stop it is to get help. Tell your parents. Tell your teachers. Tell the principal. If the bullying gets way out of hand and should be dealt by the law, tell the authorities. That way, your bully would be adviced and punished.

If the bullying is more serious and the bully has broken a law, it's best to just tell your parents and then inform the police. If you inform the school that you would be making a complaint to the authorities, there is a possibility that the principal would force you to change your mind because if the news reaches the media, it won't do much good for the school's reputation. That's why you shouldn't inform the school about the bullying if you are planning on taking legal actions.

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