Partly Cloudy.

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The Titans were now back at the tower trying to figure out what was wrong with them.

"Have you figured anything out yet, Star?" Raven asked.

"The only thing that I can conclude is that when Tornado sucked us up in her vortex our characteristics changed. But how?" the alien girl pondered at the question for awhile.

"I'm pretty sure the vortex was going counterclockwise." Beast Boy added.

"Uhhh you think we went super fast and then ummm we went backwards and like the way we act was ummm...." Cyborg struggled to speak in complete or rational sentences as it now seemed he lost all of his intelligence.

"Shut up bolts for brains." Beast Boy muttered.

"No wait Beast Boy, he might be on to something. We went in a backwards motion, like Cyborg was saying, so the only... erm... 'logical' explanation I can see for our personalities to be so altered is because, Tornado's powers did more than cause us to be dizzy. She reversed our personalities."

"Good going Cy! You helped us figure everything out!" Raven smiled at her friend and gave him a big hug.

"Yeah, I say this calls for a celebration!!!!" Robin suggested.

"What do we have to celebrate for?"

"But Beastie, we know what's going on now! Why SHOULDN'T we celebrate?!" Raven then gave Beast Boy a playful punch on the shoulder.


"I'm.. I'm sorry, bud..."

"We aren't buds... We aren't friends."


"I don't have time for this... I'll be in my room if anyone needs me... And no one better need me." Beast Boy then stormed off heading for his room.

"What did I do?"

Starfire tried to comfort her friend, "Don't take it personally, Raven, he's not himself... None of us are."

"You can always play video games with me, Rae!" Robin took out the drool covered controller that was in Cyborg's mouth and held it out for her.

"No thank you. I really appreciate your offer though."

"Okay suit yourself." Robin then proceeded to play his game.

"I think I'm going to go talk to him."

"I'm not so sure that's a good idea. Didn't you hear him? He wants to be alone." Starfire warned her.

"No I better go apologize."

"Okay. I'll be in here researching this 'Tornado' character."

"What am I going to say to him?" Raven thought.

"He probably hates me for always being so mean to him... And I honestly don't blame him... He's never shown his anger like this because, that just isn't the type of person he is... Or was."

Raven made it to Beast Boy's door, took a deep breath and knocked.

"Be-Beast Boy, hi it's me... Raven."


"Can... Can we talk? Please."

Beast Boy opened his door.

Raven perked up, "Hey!"

"What do you want?"

"I wanna talk."


"The way I've treated you in the past. It's just how I am, but I see now I've taken it to far. I know you never really showed your anger before because you're not that type of person, but I feel like this might be good... You showing it now.. It's weird for me to be this happy and optimistic and really I'm not sure I like it, but I promise you when we change back to normal I'll try to show more compassion towards you. So basically what I'm saying is.... I'm sorry." Beast Boy almost cracked a smile.

"It's okay. It feels weird for me to be this sarcastic and gloomy. I can't wait to be back to normal." "I don't know how you do it." he snickered.

"Hey now, you know my emotions have to be under control, but I do love to use sarcasm." She giggled. "Speaking of my emotions I wonder why I can't keep this happy feeling under control."

"It's hard to say. She must be very powerful."

"Who Tornado? Psshh we'll get her next time!"


"I don't know but we will!"

"Your enthusiasm sickens me."

Raven laughed, "It sickens me too."

"Guys come quick!" Starfire yelled out.

Beast Boy and raven quickly traveled to the main room.

"Glad you could come so quick. I've done some research on Tornado and I've discovered that the only way we can turn back to normal is if we get sucked into the vortex that's going clockwise."

"Great so we have to jump in a tornado?!"

"It seems that way, Beast Boy" Starfire responded.

"LET'S GO THEN!" Robin shouted.

"We don't know where she is, Robin." Starfire stated.

"Well lets go find her! Whoop whoop!!!"

"How?" Starfire asked.

"We could um... look for her." Cyborg said.

"We need to figure out how to beat her first." Beast Boy added.

Starfire looked down, "No one has ever defeated her."

"Well she's never been up against the TEEN TITANS!" Raven said with a smile.

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