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"Excellent." A mystery voice said. My plan to destroy the titans has taken effect. Soon we will take over this town and then the world." A menacing laugh soon followed this remark.

"Yes very soon, dark master." Terra said sitting up from her bed. The two were communicating through a microphone in her ear.

"Should we find out who robbed, Terra?" Beast Boy asked.

"No, the police have it under control. All we have to do it keep her safe." Robin replied.

There was silence as Cyborg flipped through the channels on the T.V.

"Beast Boy." Raven grabbed his arm gently.

"Ye-yeah?" He smiled.

"What were you going to tell me earlier? You know at breakfast time."

"Yeah B. What WERE you gonna tell her?" Cyborg teased.

Starfire and Robin exchanged looks of excitement.

"Um... Lets go in the hall to talk."

"Okay." Raven tried to hide her giant smile with her hands.

"You okay?" Beast Boy asked, noticing the cloaked girl's hands over her mouth.

She cleared her throat and put her hands down, now able to control the expression on her face. "Yeah I'm fine. I thought I was going to yawn, but it passed."

"Oh okay. Well lets go then." Garfield grabbed Raven's hand and guided her to the hallway.

"He's holding my hand. Holy crap." She thought. The sink's faucet then broke and water poured out.

Cyborg turned around to see the water over flowing. "What happened to the sink?!"

"Don't hold in your emotion like this, Raven!" Passion yelled, coming back into Raven's mind.

"I thought you said you weren't dangerous!"

"I'm not, but you need to either let me show or calm down!"

"This would've been nice to know before!"

"I didn't think you'd get so worked up!"

Raven and passion argued before Beast Boy stopped and started talking to Raven.

"I need to see you while I talk to you." He chuckled, putting Raven's hood down.

She blushed, Beast Boy noticed and he started blushing as well.

"So what do we need to talk about?"

Beast Boy ignored Raven and stared into her violet eyes. He leaned in and gently pushed her up against the wall. She wrapped her arms around his neck and their lips were inches apart. They began to come closer together when suddenly Terra walked out of the infirmary and saw them.

"Hey!" She shouted running towards them not yet noticing they were about to kiss. Beast Boy and Raven both screamed and fell to the ground.

"Was I interrupting something?"

"What? No! Not at all." The two laughed awkwardly.

"Hey aren't you the boy that stalked me at school?" Terra asked, acting like she still had no old memories of the titans.

"Heh... yeah I guess I am." Beast Boy looked down and kicked his feet."

"You didn't kidnap me did you?"

He looked up, "No. Me and the others brought you here after we found you out on the street knocked out."

"Others?" She played innocent.

"Yeah the other titans. You can.. Erm... meet them if you'd like. They're right down the hall in the main room."

"I'll meet them later, I'm going to go lay back down. I have a headache."

"Yeah I'm gonna go to my room too." Raven said putting her hood back over her pale face.


"It's okay. We'll talk later."

"Alright. I'll be with the others if either of you need me" Beast Boy said disappointed.

The three then went there separate ways.

"Master. You'll never believe what just happened!" Terra said to the unknown villain.

"What was it my dear?"

"Beast Boy and Raven must have something going on between them because, I just saw them about to kiss!"

"Would you like to have some fun and torture their emotions before ending them?" The evil voice asked.

"That sounds perfect." Terra snickered.

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